Fuji's jealousy

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We were clearing the 58 flour's boss, it was going smoothly to say the least. The boss's name is Vader the Death. Vader was a dark knight in black armour. We had to use night vision or the dark knight could slip into the shadows of this dark room. We had him pretty much cornered, he was on his last legs and one swing would do the trick.

"I'll get him," Harry tells the rest of us

Harry goes to kill the boss with his Axe, however, the boss had other plans. Everyone but Harry could see the boss had another trick up its sleeve. Its eye started to glow and suddenly it disappeared. Harry looked around frantically like the rest of us. Then in Harry's blind spot, Vader appeared ready to strike. I didn't have enough time to react, by the time I was in my stance to use bolt, the knight had already covered half the distance it needed to cut off Harry's head. Damn it, I can't make it in time.

There was a sudden flash, and Harry was safe from the boss. Since I was short on time, I already had Bolt engaged when Harry was saved. I ran to the boss at supersonic speeds, when I reached him I jumped and readied my Longsword. I start a basic slash skill, after all it wouldn't take much to kill him. The attack goes through and the boss scatters.

Once I land, I look around for Harry to see if he is alright. I finally spot shiny armour in this dark room. I could see him on top of a girl with his hand.....well in a place where even Fuji would be embarrassed. All in all, he is safe. He finally realized that his hand was not where it should be and quickly got off the poor girl.

The room finally lit up, I guess we should be glad we had those night vision potions on hand when it was dark. I could finally see who saved Harry. On the ground was Asuna, and let me tell you she looked pissed.

"I'm soooo sorry! I swear I didn't mean to!" Harry apologies

"Since when was It ok to touch a girls boob when they literally just saved you" She yells at Harry

When she brings this up Fuji immediately perks up.

"Wait.... what," Fuji asks

"You heard me" Asuna continues

Fuji looks at Harry and starts to run out of the boss room.

"Fuji! Wait!" Harry calls after her

Jam turns her attention to Asuna

"Did you have to be such a bitch about it, it was an accident you know!" Jam says protecting her guildmate.

Asuna realizes she was maybe a bit hard on Harry in her fury.

"S-sorry" Asuna says with a look of shame

" I'm sorry but I need to leave, thanks for helping and I'm sorry for.... Well you know what," Harry says running after Fuji

"Good news at least we didn't lose anyone," Punisher says trying to lighten the mood.

"Yea I guess," Jam says sadly

The rest of the guilds and parties start to move

"Come on second commender," Says a member of the Knight of the blood oath to Asuna.

"Right," Asuna says shamefully

"Thanks for saving Harry" Liz says trying to cheer her up a bit

Asuna does a fake smile and continues walking.

I turn to Jam and ask, "you want me to go after them"

"Yea, maybe," Jam says

I walked out and start tracking Harry and Fuji. It took me a while but I eventually found them. Fuji was huddled up crying her eyes out, and Harry looked toward the ground in sadness. He looked at Fuji and opened his mouth to say something but never did. He turned around and started to walk away with silent tears running down his face. I was able to go unnoticed by the Axemen. I approach Fuji and put my hand on her shoulder

" Harry I just told you, go and be with another girl, don't string me along!" Fuji screams not realizing it's me

" I'm hurt, can't believe you would mistake me, the mighty (U/N), for a lowly pleb like Harry," I say trying to lighten the mood

"O, (U/N), I didn't realize it was you," Fuji says looking at me

"Yea it's me," I say, "do you want to go to a spot I find relaxing?" I ask

"Sure, I got nothing to lose," she says

" then off to flour 46" I declare

We both walk silently to the teleport hub in the centre of the town. After we teleport to flour 46 I take the lead. After a few minutes we reach the spot I was speaking off

"We are here," I say looking off a ledge.

Beyond the ledge was a beautiful waterfall and wildlife was everywhere.

"WOOOOW! It's so pretty!" Fuji says with her eyes in wonder

I sit down on the ledge and Fuji follows suit.

"You know, I'm not one for giving out love advice but Harry really does only have eyes for you," I say with heart

"How can you be so sure, I've seen how he looks at other women," Fuji says with tears in her eyes

"But is he with them? no, h'is with you not them," I tell her

" (U/N) you won't understand, after all, you don't love anyone like I do" Fuji says ignorantly

" You can't say that," I say coldly

Fuji didn't seem to notice my tone

"Either way, he only has eyes for you," I say as I get up

"He would be broken forever if you would ever leave his side," I tell her as I leave

I return to the guildhall to see everyone trying to cheer up Harry.

"I did my best, no promises tho," I tell Harry

"Thanks, dude" Harry responds with a shallow smile

We went on with our day, as it came close to night, Fuji finally walked through the doors. Harry didn't seem to notice and she was able to sneak upon him. Once she reached him, she hugged him from behind. She said something that looked like sorry, and they stayed like that for a while. The pair couldn't do anything by subconsciously smile

"Well, Doctor love is in the house," Liz says to tease me

"Indeed, I wonder who's my next patent," I say looking at her

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