Boss Battle

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The morning was mostly silent, Punisher made us some grub and we went off to meet the assault team. As we walked Fuji and Harry hung back, if I had to guess they were probably holding hands and didn't want anyone to see.

"Let's try our best" Liz suddenly yells out

"Yea," Jam says with a bittersweet smile

You could tell that Punisher wanted to comfort our young leader, his face was an open book

"Just do it," I tell him

He looks at me and then nods, he wraps his arm around Jams body and pulls her close. She didn't put up much effort to resist and she certainly didn't try to getaway. She must be freaked out, I can only imagine some of the thoughts in her head. All she is thinking about now is if she made the right call.

We finally arrived outside the dungeon and proceeded to enter it. Most of the enemies were already wiped out from those who came before us. All we did was walk down corridors and eventually we came up to a giant door with players waiting in front of it. It wasn't time for the raid to start so we waited until everyone arrived. I saw Kirito arrive with no one else, he must still be solo.

"What's up Kirito," I ask him

"Huh, O (U/N), I see your finally back on the front lines" he responds

"Back on it, I was never on it to begin with," I say laughing

"Well, I hope you the best luck," he finishes as he walks away

"Still as antisocial as ever, when is he going to learn," a girl says behind me

"O, Asuna, I didn't see you there," I say

"Yep, I'm here" she answers

"Well yea no duh your here" I tease her

"Anyway, what have you been up to, I haven't seen you since floor 2," she asks

"O, mainly levelling until I met up with the people in my guild" I answer her

"You're in a guild I see, what's its name?" She asks another question

"MindSwords, it really helped me out a bunch after Max died," I tell her

"That good, anyways I need to get back to my own guild soon," she says

"Ah, what guild might that be," I ask

"Knights of the blood" She answers

"That's the guild that was made after the Aincrad Liberation squad was thrashed at the floor 25 boss right," I ask

"Yep, that's us, cya around, I'm guessing I'll be seeing more of you hey?" She asks

"Yes indeed," I tell her

"Well, bye" she leaves with a smile

"Who was that" Liz asks

"She's just the girl that looked after me when Max died, she actually didn't do much when I think about it" I respond

"O, really," Liz says laughing, "I'm sure she did a fine job, just you don't realize it"

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