The Smith Lisbeth

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It's been months since we cleared flour 32. Ever since then we have been clearing the flours. It was an off day and I was hanging out with Qweep on flour 48. We were chilling in Lindarth at an Inn in town

"Man feels nice to get a day off," Qweep says with relief

"Yea, they've been working us hard" I agree.

"I don't have any time to slack off if I do it's really noticeable when we fight the boss" He starts complaining.

"That explains that," I tell him finally figuring out something

"What," he asks

"That one time, during the floor 41 boss fight, the boss grabbed your whip after you launched an attack and it failed. After it grabbed your whip he whipped you a real one" I tease

"Psh, I guess I was slacking off that flour, I thought I was gonna die" he exclaims

"Good thing for Looky, she made sure to claim her possessions," I tell him

"Bet I did," Looky says as she appears from nowhere.

"Wassup," I ask her

"Just hanging with my babe," she says as she wrapping her arm around Qweep

"I see, you two getting serious? don't think I can't hear you two at night" I say

"We're getting there," Qweep says

"Well I and my honey bun are gonna lea--" Looky starts to say but is interrupted from yelling outside

It caught my attention so I used my listening skill to hear the conversation.

"Get out! No one wants your crappy smithing on this flour" a man yells

"Your just jealous because you know it's better than yours" a girl fights back

"Want to intervene," Looky asks me

"Don't see why not" I answer.

Despite Looky's personality, she can be serious if the occasion arises.

We leave the Inn to see a bigger guy picking on a girl with short pink hair in a red outfit.

"What's going on here," Qweep asks the fighting pair

"Everyone should have smiles, not frowns" He continues

Before he could finish Looky gave him a hard punch.

"So what's up," I ask

"This douchebag doesn't want to sell me a building so I can set up shop here," The girl says

"She will never be welcomed here with that so-called armour she makes," the guys says

"Ok, ok, how about we settle this by a competition between armours and weapons" Looky proposes. She may not look it, but Looky is a great problem solver.

"Sounds like a deal to me, my armour will crush yours easily little girl," the guys says

"I'm going to make you eat your words" The girl counters

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