Argo the info broker

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MindSwords is a common name among guild talk. Our Guild is among some of the powerhouses of the assault team even though we only have 8 members. We easily hold our own during boss raids and often are the turning point of the battle. The point is we have a lot of unique fighters.

First off, we have me. My skills are one of a kind and very powerful at that. Then we have Liz, who is super strong. Qweep has some interesting dagger skills. The rest don't have anything special but they aren't pushovers

Jam and Punisher were running our cake stall as normal. Jam was ordering around the grunts as Punisher is trying to keep Jam's temper under control. Jam gets stressed out when it comes to the cake business. The NPCs who work with us are hard to deal with.

I was strolling toward the cake shop to see a giant line being held up by a smaller person in a cloak. The person seemed to be arguing with Jam. Jam looked stressed beyond belief, between the stressful cake shop and the assault team, she has a lot on her plate. I walk up to the person to interfere with what was happening.

"Come on, tell me, I'll pay you a pretty penny, I'm not leaving until I know," the person in the clock says

"I've told you for the last 30 minutes I'm not telling you," Jam responds

"What's going on here," I ask

"This little girl wants to know our secret to make a cake," Jam tells me.

"I told her already, I'll give her 10 million col for the info," the cloaked girl says

"Jesus, 10 mil," I ask Jam

"Yea, 10 mil," she says

"Why not, I mean it's not like we need the money coming from this," I tell her

"I know, but it's just something we all did together you know?" She responds

"Yea, could we talk to our guild about our decision," I ask the cloaked girl

"Yea, my names Argo, meet me here at night with your answer," the cloaked girl says walking away

"Wow, she listened to you a lot better than me," Jam says

"Just say what they want, seems to work," I tell her

"Ok I'll finish up here and we can head back to the guild," Jam says

"Where is Punisher," I ask

"He is gathering stuff for cake" She answers

"Ah, I see," I tell say to her

I waited for a few minutes and Jam finally came out

"Ready," I ask

"Yep" she answers

We start to walk back to the guildhall

"You know, you need to take it easy," I tell Jam sincerely

"I know, I've been stressed out way too much lately" She responds

" I say, if we reveal the secret to cakes, the cake shop gets shut down, it's too much for you," I tell her

"Yea, I'll do that" Jam says as we reach the hall

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