I knew it

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When we were teleported to the town of beginnings there was much confusion. Not only was their confusion toward the teleportation but also some people have found what Max and I have, the logout button doesn't work.

"(Y/N) do you know what's happening?"

I just look at Max, " you know dude, other people can hear you, and I don't recall giving you permission to tell others my name" I say trying to ease his nerves a little

"Right sorry (U/N)" he says a bit embarrassed.

Suddenly the sky went blood red, and Max was about to get his answer. The sky started leaking blood and eventually it Molded into a human-like figure

He started speaking, I didn't really listen. The only feeling I could feel is my sick stomach. I should have listened to my instincts, I knew this would happen. However, I'm not concerned for myself, instead, my eyes were on Max when the colour drained from his aviators face. He looked at me with lost eyes saying "you were right" while being silent. I just give him the most hopeful smile my face could make.

The figure turned out to be Akihiko Kayaba, the game creator. He reveals that the log out button not working is not a mistake, instead, it's how the game is supposed to be. He tells us that if our Health Bar(HP) hits zero then it's to the afterlife for the players, both in the game and the real world. The only way to get out of this death game is to clear all 100 flours. After he talks about other stuff he tells us he left a present in our inventories.

Naturally, everyone looked to find out what it was. When I equipped it, it turned out to be a mirror. I look at Max to see his worried and puzzled face looking about at me. He was about to say something when suddenly we were engulfed in light. When the light faded and I looked at Max, his avatars face held no candle to the real one, his face had no colour at all, he looked like a ghost.

"Dam game creator" I saying looking around to all the boys in pink cloths. I guess I got caught up looking around and wasn't listening but the sky returned blue, leaving no trace of the blood shaded figure.

Max turned to me and with a sad smile said, "you know, with you looking like that it's gonna be hard calling you (U/N)"

I looked back and smiled," are you glad you didn't decide to choose a girl avator"

Max fake chuckles," yea, guess I am"

I start looking around to see a black-haired teenager dragging around a red-haired person in their 20s. I get what they are doing. After the confusion, it's going to be hard to get a good quest and spots for levelling. He must be a beta tester if I had a guess.

"Max, if you know what's best for yourself, you better follow me," I say as I start running out of town.

100 floors eh, it's only in the triple digits, there could have been 1000 floors. This will be a cakewalk.

Little did I know the harsh reality of the floor bosses.

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