Cake Quest

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When I walked into the guild hall all I could smell is cake. It smelled super good, then I went to the kitchen for a piece but was meet with disappointment. When I arrived in the kitchen everyone had a disgusted face.

"What happened," I asked as I grab my self a piece of cake.

"Don't eat!" They all yell at me

Too late it was already in my mouth. It tasted terrible, the smell was very misleading. I spat the cake out and ask Punisher what happened.

"Well I followed the recipe and it turned out like this," he told me

"maybe you need a special skill or something," I ask

"I'm not sure I don't see it in the skill tree under cooking" He answers


Suddenly Punishers UI light up and he got a request.

"What's that," Jam said curiously

"I'm not sure," Punisher says back

He read the message and his eyes go wide.

"Welp, I guess we are hunting for cake," He says as he reads the message. He turns the message around so we can read it

Cake Hunting
The cake has long since been forgotten in Aincrad.
Go to some ruins to find the secret to making a cake
Unlocks: Cake skill

"Ha guessed it," I say

"I don't know about you guys but I really want some cake" says Jam

"It will be our first quest with the guild" Liz says excited

"Guess so, but let's keep this secret and surprise the others with a cake to die for" Punisher suggests

"Good idea" I agree with his plan. Liz and Jam do too.

"Ok then, let's set out tomorrow" He continues

It was will into the night of Aincrad, everyone soon went to sleep, me included. I laid on the bed in my room, it was was more comfortable then the beds in the inns I stayed out. Sleep came easy, and before I know it was the morning. I received a text from Jam saying that they were getting ready to head out in a few minutes. I replied that I'd be waiting

I swapped my gear into my new armour and equipped my new sword. As I walk down the hall I can't help but noticed that this armour was decently lighter them my old stuff. It feels as if I'm not wearing anything.

When I arrived at the guild exit, the others were already there. My new armour certainly didn't go unnoticed.

"Wow, where you get that armour" Jam says with stars in her eyes.

"Bought it yesterday" I tell her

"I want one, take me to the trader you bought it from" Jam demands

"Sorry but I guess this is a rare item, plus it was 1 million col," I tell her. After I was done her jaw dropped form the price tag

"Wow expensive, what's so rare about it" she ask me

"O its stats get better as I get better" I respond to her.

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