To be or not to be

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It's been two months since MindSwords was created. We all have been getting comfortable with one another. We may have known everyone in MindSwords but that does not mean we instantly clicked with everyone. After Qweep did that little stunt, he and Looky have been close. Ha, I guess there's more than one couple other than Harry and Fuji. Speaking of which, Harry and Fuji seem to be getting cozy with each other. It, not a bad thing, after all, I get to tease Harry all the time.

Although Harry and Fuji haven't made it official, we all know they will be soul mates. Even with all the good points, there is still a reality for the duo. Harry is, after all, a member of the Assault team. Fuji gets extremely nervous and worried when he is gone. Ever since he is in MindSwords, he can't party with another guild. MindSword still does not take part in beating the game. Ever since this is the case, Harry must solo the front lines, and it's drowning Fuji in worry.

We have tried to calm her down saying that many others are still soloing, but it doesn't work. We tried another scope on the topic, telling Harry to quit. However, I guess he made a promise to his friends he would get them out of here, that was until they were killed. He kept to his word and still is trying to beat the game even against all of our protests. The only way to solve it is if MindSwords joins the battle of the front lines, none of us are ready mentally for that though.

Jam has considered it though, although Punisher insists we prepare more. In the two months, Jam and Punisher have run the guild. We even have a little Cakeshop. We usually get swarmed by players wanting cake, after all, it is something to die for. We haven't told anyone the location of the ingredients, I guess the first person to try and bake a cake gets to know. We make a lot of money, to balance out demand we have the price extremely high. I guess it's our main source of money.

Punisher has trained some Chiefs on how to make the cake so he doesn't need to do it himself. There is no chance of a leak for the simple reason the ingredients look the same, the only difference is where they are collected and we make sure we are not followed.

Jam and Punisher are the heart of our guild. Jam is the Guild master, while Punisher is her right-hand man. Honestly, they make a frightening combination. Recently, Jam has been held up in her room thinking. What about I'm not sure but she only lets Punisher in. If I had to guess she is about to make a decision that will impact us greatly.

I was just chilling in my room when I hear a knock on my door. I answer it like I normally do and I'm meet with Liz

"Breakfast is ready," She tells me

"Thank you, madam" I reply in a tone that would seduce any girl (not really, but he has dreams)

"O me...a Madam. I would never dream of it, after all, I am nothing but a lowly maid" Liz says starting a play

"O miss, never in ma travels have I seen a gal more madamly then you" I answer back going along with her

It was short-lived, we both burst out with laughter

"It's Madamly even a word," Liz says between chuckles

"You know I'm not sure" I answer between my own

"Well any it's breakfast" she finishes

"Aye, be right there," I tell her

She disappears into the hall to my left. What a girl I think to myself staring her up until she is gone. I renter my room and change from my sleepwear to my normal armour and clothes. After I'm finished I walk down the wooden flour into the centre opening. Every time I enter it I'm amazed at the sight. The wood gleaming in all its glory.

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