The Final Challenage(End)

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"Guys! Sorry to ruin the moment, but we need to go to the floor 75 boss room ASAP!" I yell out

"Huh?" Liz asks confused

"Kayaba.....Kirito thinks he is Heathcliff, and if that's the case they need us up there," I continue as I go in my inventory.

"Here, these will teleport us to a location of a person on our friend's list, I bought them just in case," I say tossing a crystal to everyone.

"(U/N) calm down," Liz says concerned

"Liz I'm sorry but I can't," I say before I teleport to Kirito. As soon as I teleported in, I was forced to the ground. The hell!? I look up to see Kirito and Heathcliff talking to each other. I look around to see everyone was paralyzed. As I look around I see the rest of my friends teleport in and suffer the same fate

"Well well, looks like MindSwords decided to show up," Heathcliff says

"I suppose so," Punisher says threateningly

" Is showing up to a battle in wedding alter a habit of yours," Heathcliff says to my guild

"You guys seriously didn't change," I ask. Me personally, I got into my armour just before I teleported.

"Hehe, no" All they say

"Anyway, if you haven't been told yet, I am the creator of this game," Heathcliff says

"And I will be the final floor boss of this game," he tells everyone

"However, as a reward for Kirito finding my identity, I will return everyone to the real world if I die on this floor right here and right now." He continues this time more directed toward Kirito who is holding Asuna.

They talk for a bit before he lets her down, I can't tell from her body language that she doesn't want him to fight. Then he talks to Heathcliff or should I say Kayaba? Anyway, they start fighting. I can tell Kirito is not holding back. Kirito is charging with everything he has, sending a fury of strikes. However, the creator of the game has too much of an advantage.

Kayaba will know the skills of dual welding, therefore Kirito can't surprise him. Heathcliff is smiling the entire time. Kirito can't touch him. Kirito is getting madder and accidentally activates one of his high combo sword attacks. It was at this moment Kirito knew....he fucked up.

Heathcliff blocked every attack. On the last attack, one of his swords broke and then all Kirito had was a cool down. With no-one to switch with, Kirito was defenceless. Heathcliff started to bring down his sword when suddenly, something happened

"No! Don't hurt him!" A child's voice filled the air. Before my eyes was Jenn. She must have run all the way here because I didn't give her a crystal to teleport here. Which would also explain why she wasn't paralyzed. Jenn was between Kirito and Heathcliff. As Heathcliff brought his sword down, instead of hitting Kirito he hit Jenn.

I watched in horror as her body hit the floor and shattered. This can't be happening, I look at Liz to see her crying her eyes out. And then it clicked, Jenn is dead. I start to make agonizing sobs has I spout out curses to Heathcliff.

Never had I such hatred toward a person. He stood there smiling. I could feel my body charge up. I was in fury, unknowingly I was able to get up.

"Well well, looks like someone is mad," Heathcliff mocks me

"Die!" I yell as I use the final skill of my unique skill tree. This skill is called Lightning

Then in a bright flash, and a booming sound that rumbled the whole boss arena. I appear before Heathcliff, and for the first time, I see the surprise in his face. I moved faster than light itself.

My sword was by my side and I heaved it toward his neck. He had no time to even think about what to do. The last thing he heard, was the thunderous sound from my attack. Then after, he would see nothing. My sword cuts his head clean off and his body scatters in pieces.

Everyone was in shock, either from the fact that I just cleared the game, or that a child was just killed. I look at Liz and our eyes lock. My face is wet from tears as I collapse. Liz finally is able to move and rushes by my side.

"Jenn she..." Liz starts before bawling her eyes out

"Shhh," I say before grabbing her and hugging her tight.

I see people start to disappear, I guess Kayaba wasn't joking about releasing everyone. But it doesn't matter, Jenn is dead. He killed her, and I'm left with is Liz

"(U/N) before we go, what's your real name?" Liz asks me with her face stained of tears

"It's--" I start to say but I suddenly wake in a hospital room

"Liz, it's (Y/N)" I say to thin air as doctors rush in.

End of book 1

(A/N): It's done! Book 1 is done. But dam, I almost had a tear came out writing this chapter. Jenn...our kawaii child is....died. And let's just say, unlike Kirito who had Asuna's actual name, (U/N) has no clue what Liz's real name is. So quite frankly, it might be a while until we find her. However, a story for another book. I truly hope you enjoyed reading this book because I really liked writing it. I forget the exact time I started this book, it was some time in November. It's been 4 months since the start and here we are. I remember at one point we were #2 book in the male reader tag. Which is awesome considering there are many other books out there. Even now, this book is higher than stories that have 4x the amount of reads which is mind shocking. And I can't forget that I found out today that I have 31 So thanks for all your support and stay tuned for the next book in the Lightning Swordsmen's series.

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