A New Guild

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Jam just finished making the guild. We were silent as she did, I guess none of us really saw this coming.

"What happened, cat got your tongue?" Jam asked all of us

"Bruh," Qweep says dumbly

We all burst out laughing from the reply.

"What," He asks

"Bruh, really? That's what you had to say?" Says Punisher

"Yea so what?" Asks Qweep

"It's nothing" replies Punisher

"So where's my invite," I ask Jam

"O yea" she answers as she goes to invite us all

I accept the invitation just like everyone else.

"So now what," asks Looky

Everyone just shrugs their shoulders not really knowing what comes next.

"What do guilds do?" Fuji asks.

"Don't ask me, " I say

" I guess they do stuff with one another," says Jam

"Like what Sherlock," asks Harry

" I don't know like they do quests together, they hang out, and they level together" replies Jam off the top of her head

We all kinda ponder for a moment, until I come up with an idea.

"Why don't we make the first goal of our guild to buy a guild hall?" I ask

"Yeah sounds like a good idea," says Liz

"Ok, it's settled, the first task of MindSwords is buying a guildhall" Jam says excitedly.

"Let's do it!" Everyone says

A Few Hours Later

"How the fuck is finding a good guildhall so hard!" Yells Qweep

"Maybe we should split up, look at multiple halls at the same time?" Recommends Looky

"Hmm smart idea, let's split into groups of two" announces Jam.

Everyone just stranded around not really picking a partner.

"Come on guys, fine let's pick out of a hat" Jam proposes

Jam steals Qweeps clown hat while he makes a sad face and makes a bunch of paper with all of our usernames on them. She shacks it around for a bit and then we draw. The way it works is that one person goes up and draws a name. If it's their own they put it back and pick again, the name they pick will be their partner. Jam holds out the hat and Punisher is first, he draws Jam's name. Next is Qweep, he draws Looky.

Jam points to me for the next draw. I stick my hand in the hand and draw a name.....(U/N)

"Welp looks like I'm destined to be my own partner" I announce to the guild.

"Put that back mister," Jam says taking the piece of paper away from me and placing it back into the hat. I stick my hand and once again draw myself.

"It must be destined to be," I say smirking to Jam showing her the piece. She does what she did before. I draw another tag and finally, it's not my own, it's Liz.

"Looks like we're partners," I say looking at Liz.

"Guess so" she replies

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