
536 11 11

This contains a small bite of teasing.


Shoto pov:

I was sitting in my seat quietly like always until Mr. Aizawa walked in "Class 1A has been asked to put on a play of a love story." Some of the class groaned and some yayed "The lead roles will be the people who can sing." He said looking this clipboard "All the actors will be taught how to dance as that will be needed, now If you want a lead role raise your hand." I put my hand in the air along with Izuku, Momo and Uraraka. "Okay, you fore I'm going to ask you to stand up and sing something." Uraraka went first.

She took a breath then began "When can I see you again, Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you." she wasn't to bad "Go see the world 'cause it's all so brand new, don't close your eyes 'cause your future's ready to shine" Mr. Aizawa nodded a few times "It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly. Welcome to the rhythm of the night, There's something in the air you can't deny." she finished singing then bowled "Thank you Uraraka, now Momo please." Aizawa said as he leaned against the podium.

Momo stood up looking existed "Mimimimimimimi, Mimimi only mimi. Mimimimimimimi, Mimimi sexy mi" She swayed he hips. "Hush now! I mother-rocker give you complete bliss! I got you 'Wow wow!' Look at my bottom, give it a kiss" It wasn't terrible but it also wasn't good "I am so super pupper drupper. I'm the front girl in round! I am so cool with my fashion pink lips Stacking money rolls down." she smiled widely as she sang "All the boys say: 'Wow wow!' Girls in the back, same: 'Wow wow!' Enter the party Call me dandy candy cause I'm high, high!" She was acting very flirtatious and it was a little annoying "I am so super pupper drupper I'm the front girl in round! I am so cool with my awesome big tits on the ground!" She finished with a horrible high note.

Everyone covered their ears "Okay thank you Momo." Aizawa said as she sat back down. "Todoroki you're next." he said pointing at me and I stood "If we go down then we go down together." I began singing quietly "They'll say you could do anything, They'll say that I was clever." I closed my feeling nervous from the attention "If we go down then we go down together, we'll get away with everything, Let's show them we are better." I heard a slight tapping to tey beat of my song which calmed me slightly "Let's show them we are better. Let's show them we are better." I finished and bowed at their shocked faces.

I sat down quickly as clapping erupted "Wow Todorki I didn't know you could sing." Izuku said as he stood up and I smiled "Why even try Deku you can't sing." He started to tear up "You know what Kacchan, I don't care what you think." He said then took a deep breath closing his eyes "You know you look good, but I know you're bad." he began very quietly "I think you sound cool but we know the words may hurt me" he sang getting more into it "You talk that way It could make me faint. Makes me insecure but I want some more, I'm sure." he smirked slightly.

He clenched his fists "But the problem is. I just love your puppy dog eyes, put your hands on my inner thighs." he sang so softly but with so much confidence "You won't love my puppy dog eyes, No, you just wanna be between my thighs." He wrapped his arm around his own waist "I just love your puppy dog eyes put your hands on my inner thighs." he seemed to be getting nervous over the attention again "You won't love my puppy dog eyes No, you just wanna be between my thighs." He stopped and everyone sat silently.

He cleared his throat "Umm was it that ba..." everyone cut him clapped loudly cutting him off "What the absolute fuck, when did you learn to fucking sing so fucking good." Bakugo shouted and Izuku shrugged as he smiled sitting down. "Right, voting time." Mr. Aizaw gave everyone pieces of paper. "Write the name of the person you want to win and you can't put yourself." The class went silent and I slowly wrote a name, my crush's name...Izuku.

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