There they go. Side by side. running- almost flying- across the town. Searching for a victim. Someone with the right blood. They look at each other.
Her green eyes start to light up and his red ones do the same. He smiles. A Blood Rush storms in and both of them want to kill even more. They need the blood.
They sniff the air. Something their kind doesn't do that much. They sniff until they find it. The perfect blood. A girl with the perfect age.
They look at each other again. He smiles, his teeth show. The extendable fangs, the longest of them all. She follows his movement.
The start running across the town. They don't care that the normal people see them. They just want their prey.
Vampire or Human, everybody knows them. The Nightwalkers. Gliders in oceans of blood. Terrible beasts that don't back down for anything.
They are fast, too fast for a human. Even too fast for a vampire.
They see the girl they need. Before she even knows that they are there, she is already pinned to the ground. He holds her head and pushes it up.
Her neck exposes and both the vampires lick their fangs. The girl starts shaking. The tears start streaming down her face because she knows she is their dinner.
"Al." The female vampire says. "Al!" She says again. The male looks up. "What do you want?" He asks a bit annoyed that his companion is keeping him away from the precious blood below him.
"Save some for me." She says with a smirk. All the humans run into their houses. They are afraid of them. More afraid then of anything in there lives.
'Al' Chuckles before turning back to the girl below him. He takes a quick sip of the girl. "Take the rest." He says before standing up. "Thank you Alucard." The female vampire says.
"No problem Lenari." He says back. Their Blood Rushes have been long gone when they sit on top of the rooftop.
They just left the body there, like they always do.
Everybody knows their names. Lenari and Alucard. The most cruel, horrible and untameable of them all.
They are the Nightwalkers.
The Nightwalker. -Complete-
VampireVampires. They are tamed, used as slaves in the houses of the rich. The horrible monsters have been caught. When one family sends their son to get one on the market they get scared when he gets back with one of the infamous Nightwalkers. The most ho...