Chapter 8 » 2 Weeks Later

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I haven't talked to Michael in a few days and that's when I realized that this was all fake and that he was just using me for sex. 
It made me angry. 
How are you just going to take my virginity and not talk to me afterwards?
I felt stupid, ashamed and I felt like a total idiot. I let him to do this to me. I let him buy me drink after drink until i was completely drunk. I let him kiss me. I let him take me to his place. I let him take it away. 
Ugh, why am I so stupid? 

Anyways, Luke has been staying over at my place for a few days and its just been us until I started getting sick lately. 
He was worried and confused, thinking I was getting the flu or something. But the weird thing about it is that its only throwing up in the morning like at 4am but for the rest of the day, I'm fine. A little dizzy at some points and sometimes throws up out of nowhere in the day. More hungry than usual but yeah.

So, right now I'm at a little fast food place with Luke, my mom and Calum. 
My mom insisted on taking us out for lunch since we haven't really done anything together lately.
I sighed, eating my food quietly and my mom watched me closely and it made me very uncomfortable. I gave her a questioning look. 
"You've been eating a lot lately, you should slow down." She said with concern in her voice. Really? Thanks for basically saying that I eat too much and that I'm getting fat. I shrugged my shoulders, eating some more. 
Luke stared at me to from time to time, thinking of what to say. I can tell that he wanted to say something but I guess he didn't know how to say it. 

Once we got home, Luke walked in my bedroom and closed the door. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
"Are you pregnant?" He questions. Where the hell did that come from? Like, he just randomly walked in here and asked if I was pregnant. 
"No.. why?" I raised an eyebrow up at him. 

"You've been eating a lot and you've had morning sickness for the past week." Luke sat down next to me, fiddling with his fingers. He was nervous, I can tell he was. He didn't want me to be pregnant because I can see it in his eyes. 
"I'm pretty sure I'm-" Luke quickly cut me off. 

"Did you miss your period?" He randomly said, he never talks about periods. Like woah. Luke was way too awkward when it came to talking about periods. I shrugged, standing up and went over to the calender hanging up next to the door. I scanned through it and my eyes widened. 

"I'm a week late. O-oh my god." My eyes started to water. This can't be. Oh my god, my mom is going to kill me. Calum is going to kill me! Fuck. I can't, no I can't do this. 
"Luke, I can't be. I can't." My voice cracked and he stood up, bringing me into a hug. He rubbed small circles on my back as I tried to keep the tears in. 
"We don't know for sure though. Does your mom or Mali-Koa have tests?" He asked and I nodded. 

"I think Mali does. I'll be right back." I quickly walked out my room and into Mali's. She wasn't home at the moment. She was still in London doing a few things for 'work' 
I found what I needed and basically ran back into my room, closing the door. 
"Make sure to take like 3 tests, okay? Good luck." He sighed, hugging me then sat on the bed. 

I was so nervous. I can't be a mom. Not at 18. I promised my mom and dad I wouldn't get pregnant before marriage. 
And Michael, holy shit. If I'm pregnant he'll probably kill me too! He would hate me, he would possibly hate this baby. 
I was praying that I wasn't pregnant because for one I wasn't ready and obviously Michael isnt either. 

After I've done everything I needed to, I sat on the toilet seat waiting. I was getting more and more nervous. 
If I am pregnant, what would I tell everyone? How would I tell everyone? 
I can't keep it a secret because I'll get fat soon and I can't kill a baby. I can't do that. 
I closed my eyes tightly, hoping it would be negative. 

"Please be negative. Please be negative." I whispered quietly to myself. I would totally hate myself if it ended up being positive. I mean, I'm already stupid enough to let Michael in and let him take my virginity away. 
It would totally suck it I ended up being pregnant after having sex for the first time. Gosh, I'm so freaking nervous. 
I feel like I'm going to pass out and throw up. 

I feel light headed. 
I can't deal with this. 
So, I walked out of the bathroom and waited with Luke. 
There was a awkward silence but of course it would be, we're waiting for the results that would change my life forever. That would show if I'm gonna get killed or not. I'm hoping that I don't get killed but there is still a slight chance that I am because like I said, I don't exactly remember the part where Michael wrapped it up. 

My phone went off, showing that it was time to check the tests. 

I got more nervous by each step I took into the bathroom. 

I set the sticks in the sink so once I looked in there. 

My eyes widen at the three tests. 

All three of them had pink + on them. 

I'm so done. 


Honestly, I think Luke is a amazing best friend sticking by Ari when she needs him the most and protects her even from his best friend. Its crazzzzy. But that's what best friends are for, right? lol 

What do you think she should do? Do you think she should hide it for a while or tell her parents right away? 

Comment! And voooottteee 

love ya xoxo

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