Chapter 5 » Clubbing [PART 1]

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After finally going to the club, I stayed at the bar drinking away with my friends while the guys were sitting at a booth talking. 
Rose tried to get with the guys, mostly Luke, like always. She was like in love with Luke since we were young, she always tried to go after him but Luke wasn't into her like that and he told her that but that honestly didnt stop Rose from flirting and touching all over Luke and when he gets uncomfortable, the guys push her off and put her near me.
And right now, they're pushing her towards me, telling me to watch her like always but I find it funny so I let her continue.

I stood next to Jordan and Josh while Daisy and Tyler went somewhere else. 
I pulled down my tight, black, strapless club dress and ordered another shot for us three.
It felt like someone was staring right at me but it didn't bother me too much so I didn't bother to look around the club. 

"You ready, Ari?" Tyler asked as he held up the two shot glasses full of vodka. I nodded, wanting to take my mind off things I took the glass out of his hand and chugged it down once Tyler said three.
I talked with Jordan for a while afterwards still feeling like someone is watching me but like I said, I didn't bother to look. 
I thought that maybe it was just a creep on the dance floor that looks ugly or maybe its just Rose trying to creep me out or maybe she's trying to catch my attention and when I look, she'll make a funny face to make me laugh. I shook my head, looking up at Jordan and actually tried to pay attention at what he's saying. I'm such a bad listener sometimes. 

Jordan shoved my shoulder playfully and leaned down to my ear while laughing a bit, after he calmed himself he spoke, "Clifford over there had his eyes on you for 20 minutes now. He wants some of this cake." Jordan playfully slapped my butt and I gasped, slapping his hand away. Jordan was always flirty with me and had a crush on me since forever but he 'claims' that he doesn't like me in that way anymore, but his actions say otherwise.

"Michael is just a friend. I would never hook up with a man whore." I shrug, looking at Mikey who was staring right at me and when he caught my attention, he smirked. 
"We both know that you have a crush on him and he has a crush on you." Jordan laughed. I shook my head, l facing him again. 
I don't like Michael and I'm 100% sure Michael doesn't like me.
Mikey's cute and all but he's a man whore. 
He plays every girl he sees. 
I've been played too many times and I don't want to be played again. 

"Hey." Someone said into my ear which snapped me out of my train of thoughts, I turned around to see Tyler and Jordan gone and Michael standing in front of me. Great. 
"Hey, Mikey." I smiled, hugging him tightly. I tried to push the thoughts of him liking me out of my mind but they still stayed in there. 
"I'm guessing all your friends left you?" He chuckled, fixing his hair. I shrugged, looking around the club. 

"I guess so. They usually do when I zone out." I awkwardly smiled, looking down at my feet but he left my chin up with his finger. 
"I'll keep you company, beautiful." Michael smirked as he sat down on the stool in front of the bar, I was already sitting down at the time. 
It was sort of awkward, maybe because I'm awkward in general? Yeah, that's it. 
I'm not good around boys. I stutter and can't look them in the eyes a lot or else I'll blush easily just by them talking. 
I get uncomfortable, I feel insecure and feel like they're judging me in their mind and I just get too scared to talk to them unless they're just my close friends. 

"So, I was just thinking about something when I came back home." He smiled to himself before drinking the beer in his hand. 
"And?" I trailed off, trying to get him to continue. 

"I've had a crush on you since, ya know, since the band started and when you used to come over a lot to see us practicing... I grew feelings and the feelings grew bigger now. I try to push them away by fucking every chick but you're still on my mind every time." Michael explained. He's lying. He has to be lying. No one likes me; no one ever likes me. The fuck is this? Is this a dream? My eyes widen in shock as I stared at the red haired boy, he smiled, a goofy smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "Maybe I had a tiny crush on you." What the hell am I saying?! I NEVER had a crush on him.... well.. maybe. No. no no no. Ari, you don't like him. You know you don't. What the hell is wrong with me? 

"Aww, little Hood!" He squeeled like a girl which made me laugh. He always found a way to make me laugh when I'm stressed or sad that's what I like most about him. He makes me happy. 
"Wanna have a drinking contest?" He winked, calling over the waiter after I nodded. 

The guy gave us 10 shots, Michael giving me 5 and giving himself 5. Well, we're about to be beyond drunk soon. But, I don't care. 
Michael looked at me and nodded. 
We quickly chugged down the 5 glasses of vodka, after slamming down the last shot I pointed at Michael, laughing. 

"YOU LOST!" I shouted, laughing. He shrugged handing me his glass. He had two more left so me and him had one, after chugging that one down he grabbed my hand. 
"Wanna go dance, lovely?" He asked all sweetly. 

"Why yes, Clifford." I took a hold of his hand and stood up. Mikey bent down a little, kissing my hand softly. I shook my head laughing at his 'cheesyness'

"Then lets go." He kissed my forehead before leading me to the dance floor. Once we made it to the middle of the crowded dance floor, he took a hold of my hips as I swayed them against his crotch a bit. Michael pulled me closer so my back was completely pressed against his chest. Now my butt was really against his crotch, rubbing over it and I heard a groan escape his lips as he kissed along my neck. 
"You're so perfect." He whispered against my neck then continued putting hickeys along the side of my neck. 

After a while of dancing, I decided to tease him a little bit. 
The vodka was running through my veins that made me hyper and more drunk. I wasn't really sober to realize what was happening. My mind wanted so much but my heart didn't want none of it. Since I'm too drunk to control myself. I went with my mind on this one, my drunk mind. 
Michael was a moaning mess as I keep grinding against him, his boner growing bigger against my ass but I found it hot and I didn't have a care in the world. 
Out of nowhere, Michael shoved me against the wall and started biting at my neck. 

"You fucking tease." He growled, kissing up my neck and slowly, he reached my lips. When he did, his lips ghost over mine, I grew impatient so I crashed my lips onto his in a rough make out session. He moaned and groaned against my lips every so often.
"Wanna head back to mine?" He mumbled, catching his breath. I nodded, pulling my lips off of his completely and he whined at the lost contact but quickly rushed me out of the club and to the nearest cab. 

"I should've done this a while ago." He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"You should've." 


I'm back. Sorry for taking forever! Been busy. Anyways. 
Vote, comment, share blah blah lol. Make sure to follow me :D 

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Thank you for reading xxx

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