Vol 1- Chapter 1 [The Soul of the Protagonist!]

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"Am I dead...?"

In the middle of emptiness, where time and space didn't exist, there is a soul floating in the middle of this emptiness. The soul is like a ball, white, there is a little crack on that soul. Is the soul broken? Or is it just the normal condition for the soul to have some crack on it? Aside from that, the soul just float in this emptiness, is the soul of the person that recently died in the mortal world?

"Where am I...?"

Even though the soul has no mouth, it still managed to talk. Circling around, the soul looks left and right to confirm its location. Empty. Not even a single thing could be seen from where the soul at. What is this place? The soul wondering. Circling up, down, left, and right, as far as it can see, nothing could be found.

"Where is this...?"

As the soul was about to move, it realizes it couldn't move at all. No, to be specific, the soul moved just fine, because the emptiness, it feels like not moving at all.

Just as the soul pondering its mind, six figures appear out of nowhere. In the legend where Gods, demon Gods, and dragon Gods exist, these six figures are the six dragon Gods of seven dragon Gods from the legend.

The dragon Gods has unique pattern on their bodies which the proof of them being Gods. From left to the right, Vermillion Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Green Dragon, Yellow Dragon, White Dragon, and Black Dragon. Each dragon Gods bear all the element that exist in the mortal world, where magic and sword are exist. Fire Element, Ice Element, Nature Element, Earth Element, Light Element, and Dark Element owned by each of the dragon that fit their skin color.

"Hello Mortal!"

The sound reverberating in the emptiness where there shouldn't be any ground or wall around it. The dragon Gods that make the sound is Vermillion Dragon.

"Where... am I?"

"You currently in the realm of the dead"

"Realm... Of the... Dead?"

Realm of the Dead is a place where a soul given a second chance to reincarnate to the same world or even different world than their current world. But, for a soul to have a chance like this is really low.

A soul can appear in this realm only if they did some good deed during their lifetime. If their soul corrupted when they died, the soul won't have such chance and only reincarnated as brainless creatures like animals, monsters, even plants. The worst thing is, the soul cannot be reincarnate and get torture in Hell. But this soul, how come it has a chance to stay in this realm, even greeted by six dragon Gods?

"Even though your soul slightly broken, but you done some great achievements in your lifetime!"


The soul was confused for a second but quickly regain its memory, but not all of its memory return. The soul has a rough life before it get in this realm. Originally, a mere mortal, in this case, human, should've the lowest chance to reincarnate. In the common sense of mortal world, human knows as the sinner, where greed, envy, even betrayal found commonly within human. The mortal world has various races such *beastfolk, vampire, elf, dwarf, gnome, and much more races which exist in the mortal world, of course, Human too. Then, why is this soul special?

"You don't remember?"

"I... I'm just remembered about my childhood, which is unfortunate..."

The soul sound irritated.

"Yes, it is unfortunate, but you manage to overcome your weaknesses and achieved a great achievement. Don't you remember it?"

Once again, Vermillion Dragon asked the soul. The light around the soul become dimmed, showed the soul is thinking so hard to recall its memory. When the soul is focusing on some fragments which appeared in its mind, its fragment was about fighting with the demon lord that appeared every dozen of years. After that, the fragment jump forward and showing that a person managed to beat the demon lord. The soul remembered, the person that showed up in its memory, is the soul itself. So, what happened afterward? The soul can't remember more than that.

"I... Fought... A demon lord... And I beat it"

"Good, good. And then?"

"I couldn't get more than that"

"Is that so? That is fine"

Even though Vermillion Dragon talks with carefree manner, the soul cannot get mad or happy. It only feels curious and confuses.

"What about your memory about Gods?"

Almost like a flame that suddenly shot by a dragon, the light around the soul starts to producing red dark light. It shows that the soul somehow feel irritated by that name. The soul couldn't figure it why it feels irritated, but deep down in its memory it knows that Gods is its enemy.

"I guess you remember after all"


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