Days Gone By

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The first day was very uneventful. Virgil had just picked us up from the burger joint, we were all healing ourselves, and Nick and I were sort of on the outs. As much as I wanted to talk to him, if things went bad I wouldn't be able to escape. I was stuck on a boat, with all of my pre-existing problems.

However, the next few days were actually pretty good...

"What are you doing?" I hear Nick ask me, as he slowly made his way over to my room in the boat. It's where I spent my time when the weather up top wasn't as pleasant.

"Writing a letter." I answered, never letting my eyes leave the page. The letter was already half written. As advice from Rochelle, I decided to write two letters to Nick and Ellis. I was going to explain how exactly I felt about each of them. However, she failed to mention the fact that she convinced Nick and Ellis to write letters to me.

"To who?" Nick asked me, looking extra suspicious of my actions. It took me a moment before I noticed he had a letter in his hand.

"Who do you think?"

"Rochelle asked you to write too, huh?" Nick laughed, placing the letter gently beside me. I flashed a smile, as I finished mine.

"Nice doing business with ya." I laughed, as I handed him his letter. I was scared, to say the very least. There was a chance that he was going to say that he didn't want anything to do with me, and initially I was okay with that. Later, this became a problem of its own.

I read the letter, immediately after he had left. His handwriting was very clean, and in cursive. It was beautiful. I carefully traced my fingers along the words as I read them;

Dear Kelsey,

Rochelle convinced me to write this damn thing, but I got to give it to her; it was a good idea. A chance to let you know the truth. As messy, and as unexpected as the truth is, you must know the truth. Especially with the shithole we live in now.

When I met you in the hotel, I saved you. You were in shock, but you looked so beautiful. I just never knew how to show anyone what I really feel. I realize now, that it's a mistake.

It didn't actually sink in until the day I kissed you. You're so feisty when you're angry, you should really get that checked out. I guess what I'm trying to say is you are like nothing I've ever seen, nobody is like you. You care, you're compassionate, and you're willing to die for the people you love. And, as horrible as this sounds, I want to be one of those people.

Because I love you.

With love,


Tears had filled my eyes, wether it be happiness or sadness. He loved me? He didn't show it, in fact until he kissed me, I had no idea he thought about me like that. Would this change things?

"Hey, are. you okay? You look upset..." Ellis had came in, and I dropped the letter. He picked it up for me, noticing who had written it. I spotted a letter in Ellis' hand, and I was worried. What would his say?

"Listen, just read them both. Then gather yourself, and your thoughts. Then we'll talk." Ellis said, with comforting smile on his face. I could see the tinge of pain within his green eyes. I smiled and began to unfold the letter.

It looked very neat, and kept with care. The letter read;

Dear Kelsey,

I'm sure you have already gotten Nick's letter. In fact, I overheard Rochelle when she was talking to Nick about writing his. There was no convincing necessary. I knew what I had to do.

I've never met a girl like you, you're just different. I knew how pretty you were from the get-go. But as I got to know you, I learned about how sweet and pure you were. You're just so perfect. In the carnival, I spent my time trying to find a single flaw in you. And as hard as I tried, I couldn't.

I love you, and I'm not as good with my words like Nick is, but believe me when I say that I love you. That night, you and me in the woods, I will never forget that. In those moments, I knew that I was insanely in love with you.



Damn. I just read two heartfelt letters from two heartfelt people. A part of me already knew what I wanted. But, in this world I knew things wouldn't go the way I had hoped. But it was worth a shot.

How will I ever choose?

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