You're Important Now

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"I understand why you're doing this, but trust me when I say that we have been scratched, bitten, slapped, stomped, and tortured by these infected. If we were infected, wed know by now. I'm not infected. You tell me what's wrong with us!" Rochelle was getting irritated by the overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by other living people.

"You're both carriers." The doctor reveals, taking his face mask off. I observe the man's white coat, reading Dr. Martin.

"You're all carriers. You're infected, but not showing any symptoms. But that's not my only finding, I'm afraid. You are all immune."

"How the hell is this possible?" Ellis gets up from his seat and walks towards the doctor. He had a threatened tone in his voice. I stopped him before he got too close to the doctor.

"I'm not sure."

This information meant a great deal for both us and the future of the human race. I knew what they were going to do to us. I, however, would do everything I can to stop it from happening.

"Is there a cure?" Ellis asks, getting comfortable in his seat. It was clear we were going our be here for a while.

"Not yet. This virus defies everything we've ever seen. Sometimes its airborne, sometimes it's not. It mutates daily. We're trying to cure it, but we can't even pinpoint it."

"Wait, so if we're carriers...can we infect other people?" Nick asks, as he continues to eye the doctor. I shuttered under myself, and hid my fear of the impending experiments.

"Yes, which as it turns out, you all are the ones that have been spreading the virus across the east coast. You are not the only carriers, meaning there are more of you." We all look at each other, in shock.

"Holy shit, the pilots...the rescuers...we killed them?"

"I'm afraid so." The doctor sighed, as the men who were saving our asses were killed by us. We were the killing machine.

"Oh my God..."

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