Fly Away

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The bridge was completely obliterated. The sound was nearly defeating, even when it was mixed with the sound of the helicopters roters rotating violently.

"Holy shit..." I say under my breath. If we had been a second later, we wouldn't have made it. My baby and I were going to be okay. Everything would be fine.

"Buckle up, we have a couple hours ahead of us." The pilot recommended, and continued to fly us the hell out of here.

"Roger that." Nick says sarcastically, the pilot didn't find it funny. But we sure did.

The next few hours were pretty boring, but the group kept me occupied.

"What do you think this place looks like?" Rochelle asks, looking around the helicopter for a new sign to read.

"You have no idea how pissed I am with CEDA. I mean, we've been on a wild goose chase because they can't keep a few evacuation stations safe." Nick scoffed, looking out the helicopter windows. As mad as we were, we couldn't misbehave with them. They did save us from being blown up, even if the blowing part was their idea.

"Let's play this smart. If CEDA is still at this quarantine place, then we will have to be tested. They wouldn't risk their last safe haven without some precautions."

"Their track record would beg to differ." Coach jokes, remembering the huge map in the hotel. The entire east coast CEDA evacuation centers had been completely wiped out. Who's to say that this one won't have the same fate?

"He has a point. What do we do when this place goes to shit?"Rochelle, being her usual anxious self, asks. Which I do share the same concerns, yet I keep the same blind faith I've had this entire time.

"I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." I say, trying to keep my faith with CEDA, despite have being left behind countless times by these people.

"Did you just-" Ellis looks up, and expresses a look of dread.

"Shit, too soon."

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet, Rochelle and Nick fell asleep, Coach and Ellis played road trip games, and I began imagining the place we would soon call home. I imagined an elegant crib, surrounded with bountiful toys and stuffed animals. Nick and I would hold our child, not in fear of being torn apart the second we turn our backs. Would things ever be normal again? In ten years? Maybe five hundred? Who knew?

The door to the helicopter lifted, and a bright light shined in my eyes. Once my eyes adjust, I see several heavily suited men with gas masks and guns aiming at us all. I look to Nick who looks just as confused and concerned as I do.

Maybe being rescued was a bad move after all...

"Welcome to quarantine. We hope you will enjoy your stay."

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