social butterfly │ bakugou katsuki

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"Bakugou? Will you go to the arcade with us?" Kaminari leaned on Bakugou's desk, ignoring Iidia's desperate attempts to get him to sit down. "Mina, Sero, and Kiri are gonna be there."

"No," he grumbled, staring down at his desk with his arms crossed.

Kaminari pouted dramatically, "Why not?" Bakugou became visibly agitated as he glared up at him.

"I have more important things to do."

"Let's leave him alone, Kaminari," Kirishima dragged the blond away, smiling apologetically at Bakugou.

After a few moments (Y/N) sat into the seat next to Bakugou.

"Maybe you should know that.. they're kinda getting.. y'know.." he made vague gestures with his hands before looking away panicked when Bakugou glared at him.

"They're getting kinda what?" Bakugou growled, looking up from his papers to glare up at him.

"Annoyed... at you," (Y/N) smiled weakly. Bakugou stared up at him blankly before looking back down.

"You think I care about those idiots' opinion of me?"

"I think you care about everyone's opinion, Bakugou," he said quietly, receiving a harsher glare than before. He panicked again, "But obviously not a lot. Not at all even. Well maybe.. You care just the tinsiest bit—"

"Stop acting so nervous around me, shit for brains," Bakugou sighed, taking his papers and shoving them into his back pack. He grabbed (Y/N) by the arm and started dragging him away. "You're going to help me with something. Let's go."

"Where exactly are we going?" he asked but let himself be pulled along. (Y/N) almost seemed amused as he smiled slightly at the blond.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, brat! We are going to my room," Bakugou spat out.


"Shut up, now."

Once they got there, he slammed the door open and shoved (Y/N) in. He grabbed out a blank piece of paper and sat at his desk while (Y/N) sat on his bed. "Tell me about yourself."

"Oh.. um.. My favorite color is (f/c)! And one really weird fact I think is true is that we actually don't see the colour yellow and it's really just our brain guessing what colour it'd actually be like-" Bakugou threw the pencil at him.

"Not like that or what your favourite colour is or whatever that was idiot! Why do people like you? Why do they hang out with you? Now hand me back my pencil."

"... Are you trying to make friends?" suddenly (Y/N) became serious. "You know, changing yourself is never good-"

"I'm not changing myself," Bakugou snapped, "I just need to know how to talk with people."

"I wouldn't say that I'm good at talking with people though," he awkwardly shuffled his hands. "But.. thanks for thinking highly of me, I guess?"

"But you are! Everyone likes you. Even half and half and frog."

"..Frog?" he laughed before shaking his head. "Whatever. I don't know how to give you tips on socializing. But I think if you try, you'll be fine. I mean.. You're friends with Kirishima and me, so you're obviously capable of making friends. I think you just need more patience."

"Just.. tell me some things, please?" Bakugou became unusually pleading, unintentionally pouting. Immediately, (Y/N) agreed.

After trying his hardest to explain to Bakugou why he was so "likeable" and "social", (Y/N) tried to help even further.

"Bakugou, why don't you go to my game?" he poked him in the side. "Kaminari and Mina are coming to watch.. so there's only two of them and then you can conquer them with your friendship skills!"

"What about Sero?" he asked a bit glumly as he tugged at the bottom of his shirt nervously.

"You can win him over another time," (Y/N) shrugged, smiling at him. Bakugou nodded, standing up and pushing (Y/N) out of his room.

"You will tell no one of what happened here," Bakugou threatened him.

Kaminari walked by, stopping and facing them with a smirk. "Oh, did you two just do what I think you just did-"

Kaminari had a bruise on his head the next day.

When the time of the game arrived, Bakugou could not sit still only because he couldn't understand why they shouldn't use their quirks out on the field, not because he had to be social and nice for once.

Of course not.

Mina draped herself into the seat next to Bakugou and Kaminari sat on the other side of him. "Wow, Bakugou. Didn't expect to see you here after what happened-"

Bakugou gave him a smothering glare and Kaminari went silent. "Sorry, bad joke," Kaminari squeaked out in fear of being blown up.

"It's fine."

A shocked silence surrounded them and Bakugou sighed.

"Wow, Bakugou! What happened to you?" Mina knocked him on the head.

Bakugou didn't respond, watching (Y/N) run up the bleachers towards them. "Thanks for coming guys!" he grinned, glancing directly at Bakugou for a few moments.

"Of course!"

"No problem."

"I gotta go," he suddenly said. "I hope you guys enjoy!"

(Y/N)'s team lost, but he still seemed to have had fun anyways. "We were so close," he grinned as he led his friends away, seeming relaxed.

"Todoroki's having a party," Mina suddenly said, changing the conversation topic. (Y/N) looked at Bakugou. "He's invited all of us. Are you guys going to come?"

"Duh," Kaminari snorted and (Y/N) agreed with him.

"What about you, Bakubro?"

"I guess I can come.." Bakugou muttered slightly, looking away.

"Awesome!" Mina smiled, "I'll tell him you all can come!"

She walked away with Kaminari, leaving Bakugou and (Y/N) alone. "See? You didn't have to change yourself. You just had to not yell at them for a while."

Bakugou shrugged. "Thank you, (Y/N)," he said quietly, unusual for him.

"Anything for you," (Y/N) smiled, walking away and leaving a blushing Bakugou behind.

The two approached Todoroki's room, holding hands. "I wonder how his room is so big sometimes," (Y/N) sighed. "How is he able to fit so many people in his room?"

The door opened and (Y/N) went silent.

"I bought you guys matching sweaters," Todoroki handed Bakugou a Woodstock sweater before handing (Y/N) a Snoopy sweater. "I know it's not Christmas anymore, but.."


"Thanks, Todoroki!" (Y/N) looked at the sweater. "Why matching, though?"

"You two work well together."


(Y/N) gave Bakugou a weird look. "He says thank you, too," he rolled his eyes, and Todoroku nodded before leaving.

"What's wrong? Did he break you?"

"I think.. I like half and half."

"Replacing me already?" (Y/N) snorted, slipping on his sweater. "Come on, let's go Bakugou."

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