slippery rocks │ amajiki tamaki

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mermaid au

(Y/N) poked his head out of the water, flicking his tail lazily. He scanned the abandoned beach and saw a dark haired male. "Man.. he's cute, I wonder if he's into half fish dudes?"

He swam closer to the shore, resting half his body on the rock. He waved his arm, catching the dark haired boy's attention. He gestured him to come closer.

He waited until he was on the rock until he spoke.

"So, why are you out here?" (Y/N) was met with an intense stare. He flinched back, frowning slightly.

All he wanted was to kiss a cute boy, alright?

"Is there something wrong?" he quirked an eyebrow, poking Amajiki on the nose.

"It never works," he whispered unintelligibly. "But yes, I'm fine."

"Oh, okay," (Y/N) gave him a weird glance. "Anyways, might as well get this over with." He lifted his tail out of the water. "I'm a mermaid, my name is (L/N) (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!"

"You're a mermaid? Did you eat something and suddenly turn into one?" Tamaki asked, seemingly mostly unsurprised as he brushed his hand against his scales on his tail. (Y/N) snorted.

"No, I was born like this. What's your name?" (Y/N) propped his head up onto his hands.

"Just call me Tamaki.." Tamaki sighed, leaning forward on the rock.

"How come you're wearing a hoodie?" (Y/N) tugged on Tamaki's hood.

"I.. like them," Tamaki started to shake, pulling on the hood to cover his face.

Suddenly the merman got an idea. "Wanna hear a song?"

Tamaki seemed to get suspicious which is the opposite reaction (Y/N) wanted. "I guess.." he mumbled, letting go of his hood.

(Y/N) smirked and began to sing a light and fun tune, watching Tamaki seem to relax. His eyes were lidded and he stared at the mermaid in a daze.

(Y/N) leaned forward, his voice trailing off as he went to kiss him. Until.. y'know.. his elbow started to glide off the rock.

He fell into the waves with a big splash, most likely drenching Tamaki.

"Oh shit, he's gonna kill me." (Y/N) stayed deep under the waves. "He'll never forgive me.. God, why do I ruin everything that's going well for me!" he yelled out in frustration.

He watched Tamaki rush to get away from the water sadly. "Whatever.. I'll apologize the next time I see him and then actually kiss him!" He swam deeper into the ocean, scanning over the ocean floor.

Every day since then (Y/N) went up to the shore, but Tamaki was never there. He always checked at around noon, when he first saw him.

Right before (Y/N) started to give up, he spotted him on the rock.

"Why are you back here?" (Y/N) popped out of the water. "I practically violated you last time you were on this rock."

"I.." Tamaki blushed. "I'm willing to give you another chance.. at kissing me." (Y/N) stared at him with wide eyes. "But, we have to get to know each other first."

"I'd like that," (Y/N) smiled softly. He brought his hands out of the water and sat down two pebbles in front of Tamaki proudly. "These are yours!" The two pebbles were shiny and sparkly. Tamaki took them into his hands with a blush.

"Thank you.." he mumbled. (Y/N) smiled at him. He knew Tamaki didn't know what giving sparkly stones to someone meant in his culture, but he would probably find out soon enough.

this kinda flopped but i still hope you enjoyed

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