dense & an idiot │ kaminari denki

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"Hm.." Mina sighed out in frustration as she waited for everyone to arrive at the table.

"What's wrong, Mina?" Kirishima asked as he looked over from Bakugou to give her a worried look.

"Well.. since you asked," she began with a smirk at Bakugou's devastated look.

"What have you done, Kirishima," Bakugou groaned out before Mina started to grin slyly.

"Kaminari and (Y/N) have been acting weird these past few moons-"

"Moons?" Sero asked with a raised eyebrow, sharing a look with Kirishima before they bursted out laughing. "You sound like my grandma!"

"I was just trying to sound more suspenseful.." Mina whined, "Anyways, they've been hanging out a lot more recently.. by themselves."

"What's wrong with that?" Kirishima asked with a confused look, recovering from his fit of laughter.

"Nothing of course. It's just.. they seem to want to be more secluded with each other when with the group," she attempted to explain, only earning another round confused looks. "Listen, they're acting weird and hanging out more often! And now they're not at lunch and are missing at the same time."

"Maybe they got sick?" Kirishima suggested with a shrug.

"No, they're in a classroom eating together," Jirou sighed out as she joined them at the table. "Plus, (Y/N) obviously likes Denki."

"What?" Mina gasped out before clapping her hands together. "This only fuels my suspicions!"

"Your suspicions?" Bakugou scoffed, "Can't you just mind your own damn business for once?"

"Where's the fun in that?" Mina sipped obnoxiously loud on her milk. She suddenly gasped sharply and started to choke on her milk.

"Should we do something?" Kirishima asked as they all stared at the poor girl who hacked and coughed into her arm.

"Nah, let her suffer," Bakugou yawned before he looked up and paused. "Oh. That's what's she's choking about," he gestured towards
(Y/N) who walked towards their table defeatedly. He looked heartbroken.

"What happened, man?" asked Sero who leaned towards him with an interested look. "Did something happen with Kaminari~?" Mina 'ooh'ed and leaned forward as well in anticipation.

"I tried to ask him out on a date to the movies," (Y/N) sniffled dramatically, letting his head drop to the table.

"Did he say no?" Kirishima frowned. "That sucks, but I'm sure you'll find someone else-"

"No, no.. he said yes," (Y/N) reassured them. Mina blanked at him, her tight grip on her spoon almost breaking the plastic.

"Then what's wrong?" she shrieked, deciding to throw the bent plastic at him which hit him in the head causing Bakugou to snort.

"He said.. He said..." Everyone, even Bakugou, stared at him, waiting for his answer like their lives depended on it. ".. 'No homo, though, right? haha.'" (Y/N) reenacted with flailing arms, picking up his head only to slam it back down.

"Well, maybe he panicked? Just wait and see what happens at the movies," Kirishima said before Kaminari joined their table.

When they had exited their school, Kaminari and (Y/N) quickly met up.

They both walked into the movie theatre and (Y/N) tentatively and slowly reached for the other's hand. Kaminari looked down at their hands before looking back up with a smile.


"What movie did you go to see?" Mina basically attacked (Y/N) with questions the next day, desperate to know. "Did you guys kiss? Are you dating him now? Oh my god, are you guys getting married?!" Kaminari had not arrived yet so she had little time to spare to get all the details she needed.

"We saw The Emoji Movie," (Y/N) sighed out exasperated, resting his head down on the table like he did yesterday while ignoring her other questions. "I think it's time I gave up."

"Well, did anything happen? A kiss? Hand holding?" Kirishima asked Mina's questions for her, patting his friend on the back sadly. (Y/N) glared up at him. "Come on, it's not like we're gonna make fun of you."

"I held his hand for a few minutes as we went in."

"Did he pull away?" Mina gasped, nearly vibrating in excitement.

"Not until we bought our tickets," (Y/N) replied, glancing around to make sure Kaminari wasn't around. "That's a good thing, right?"

"Of course it is!" Mina screeched, hitting him on the head. "It means he likes you! No two friends just hold each others hands at the movies!"


"Shut up, Jirou!"

"You should try to ask him out again one last time," Bakugou spoke up for the first time they arrived at the lunch table today. They all looked towards him, shocked at how non-aggressive he was being. "But be more direct this time.. If he says no, then you'll know he's not interested in you. If he says yes, well, you got yourself a date."

"Wow, Bakugou," Kirishima mumbled out in awe, "that was so manly."

"Thanks, Bakugou," said male nodded in return, before gesturing towards Kaminari who was approaching. (Y/N) immediately tensed and the whole table went silent.

"What's going on?" Kaminari asked immediately, suspicious. "Mina is usually screaming about kermit, and this happened yesterday."

The whole table turned to (Y/N) and waited. They made a motion for him to ask him now. He took a deep breath and turned to the male who had just sat beside him.

"What?" he asked slightly quieter, turning towards the (h/c) male.

"Kaminari Denki," (Y/N) started confidently, watching as he tilted his head cutely. "You are going on a date with me next Friday."

Kaminari blinked and looked at him in confusion. "Like, seriously? I mean, a serious date? We're not having one of those weird bromances, right?"

(Y/N) shook his head with a laugh, "Serious date, not a bro date."

"Oh, okay," Kaminari said slowly, a smile spreading across his face.

"Is.. that a yes?" (Y/N) asked, suddenly getting embarrassed.

"It's a yes.. Only if it's to see the Emoji Movie again though."

(Y/N) and Kaminari stared at each other in pure silence before they started laughing.

Jirou and Bakugou shared a look that meant 'what dumbasses' while Sero, Kirishima, and Mina all cheered and wiped fake tears away.

"Our boys are finally together!" Mina shouted, throwing her arms up in victory.

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