You Were My Favourite Entertainer

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Wanna know what exactly happened when Harry started to lose consciousness. Same old story but how can I deny myself the pleasure of writing the obvious!

Hope you enjoy!


Zayn's POV.

"You thought you had me, didn't you?
When you lied to my face, I could see the truth
Every step with the way I knew
How you fooled me, boo"

It was a week since Harry cheated on me with Anwar and I couldn't bear to see it. I did take a few severe steps after that but I am honestly grateful to Gigi.

She knows I'll never be able to love her but she never makes me feel guilty about it; even though deep down I believe that I'm using her to forget about him, she never makes the evident awkwardness visible when we are together.

On top of that, our respective works keep us off the hook most of the times. Even though I hate her family with passion, I believe it is for the best that she should spend some time with them.

Every time I'm left alone with my thoughts, I start going back into the past and wait for it to slowly kill me. I stop the natural instincts to guide me and start trudging on paths which no person with sanity would think of undertaking.

He broke me. Again.

I tried hating him but it comes back to me. It runs back to me as if I was lacking oxygen. In turn I start despising everything around me but can't bring myself to stop loving him.
Tonight I had it, I had to go out.

"Guess you didn't know that
You were my favorite entertainer
I watch you, I laugh with and fuck with you
Don't you take me for a fool In this game,
I own the rules
You were my favorite entertainer
I watch you, I laugh and we fake it too
Don't you take me for a fool
Imma show you a thing or two"

Times like this, I wish there were real people in the world who would take me for myself and not a famous face or anything on those lines. Times like this I wished things were not this dicey with Gigi. Times like this when I wished I never lied to mum that I'm over him and can talk about how much I miss him in her arms right now.

Repent. That's all I seem to be doing these days.

The apartment was empty and I picked up my car keys and wallet and set out. I thought of going for a hoodie but opted against it and picked up a club that wouldn't make a big deal out of a celebrity. I could breathe in and for once no one would care.

Randomly checking places in L.A. I selected a club that was away from the humdrums of the city and provided a good ambience and drove into the parking lot that took me half an hour and walked into the bar counter where it seemed the bartender knew lot many people.

I waited till a part of the crowd cleared away and walked to where the pretty redhead was serving drinks. He kept eyeing someone worriedly on the dance floor now and then: could be friend or family perhaps.

"Could I have a scotch please?" I asked.
"...sure." This man doesn't seem to take notice of who ordered and started working on the drink.

Moments later he turned towards the floor searching for the person and very absent-mindedly passed me the drink while I handed him the cash with a heavy tip. Still, he took no notice of it.

I turned to the dance floor trying to locate this person who seemed to have taken the attention of the bartender.

After a minute, I saw those green eyes again. Brown curls swaying to the beat while he let the music guide him.

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