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this is my first fanfic so bear with me.

Clary woke up with arms around her waist. She smiled in content. 

"Jace, baby wake up,"  she said pecking his lips.

"I'm up," he said in his husky morning voice. Right after he said that, nausea consumed her and she ran to the bathroom and emptied out the contents of her stomach. She felt hands tie her hair back and rub her back soothingly,

"Is everything okay? You've been like this for two weeks."

"Ya, I'm fine probably just stomach flu."

Jace didn't look convinced, but nonetheless he took the explanation. He continued rubbing her back comfortingly as she retch out the rest of the contents in her stomach.

"Umm.. Jace can you go out, I need to change," Clary said, after emptying out her stomach.

"Sure thing babe."

After Jace had left, Clary sighed. She called Izzy.


"Hey Izzy, where's Jace?"

"He's gone to Alec 'bout something, why?"

"Because I need you to get me a pregnancy test."

Izzy gasped, "You think you're pregnant with Jace's child?"

"Ya, I've already gotten the symptoms and I'm late. Now I need you to get me that test."

"On it."

After she ended the call,  she prayed that she wasn't pregnant, she was only 17, almost 18. D*mn it, why did we forget to use protection? she thought. After all these thoughts, she actually did get ready and by the time she was finished she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Izzy. Let me in, I got it."

Clary opened the door with a thanks, took the tests and asked for some privacy. She tried it three times, washed her hands, the called her parabatai in. When it was time, they both looked at the tests and saw the result. It was.....

haha cliffhanger *laughs evilly*. I'm sure most of you know the result. But I need names and gender please. Also, I'm thinking that Jace should propose to Clary, what do you think?


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