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Hey guys,  here's the last chapter.  THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love I got when I was writing the story. I love you guys so much❤️❤️❤️❤️. Please don't hate me for what's gonna happen at the end and I know the information at the end is wrong,  but let's just imagine, shall we?


"Fine, we'll tell them in a week."

"CASSIE! GET OUTTA MY ROOM!" Jon shouted groggily.

"Your my big brother!"

"I know, I saw you at the hospital! Plus you look like me, so obviously yeah!"

"Your bed is so bouncy!" Cassie giggled jumping up and down on his bed.

"I know!Just please -OOF!"

"Oops," Cassie said running away.


Clary glared, even with Cassie hiding behind her legs, she looked deadly, "Why are you shouting at Cass?"

"Well, Cassandra here was jumping on my stomach!"

"Well, Jonathan here beat up a boy sending him into a coma!" Clary retorted.

"About that...."

"I don't care."

"What?" Jonathan said, confused.

"You did what you thought was right: protecting your sister."

"Thanks mom!" Jonathan said, jumping out of bed and hugging his mom's small frame.

Clary laughed, "I see that's one way to get you out of bed," Then she said, more serious, "But that doesn't mean you do that to everyone and I'm still expecting multiple apologies."

"On it, mom!" Jon grinned.

The entire Herondale family were sitting at the table, eating breakfast, when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" The older pair of twins shouted.

Once they opened the door,  they saw someone smirking,

"I see my sister's been busy."

"Is there anything I can get you sir?"  Amora asked politely, when Jonny said suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The man ignored both of them and said, "Tell Clary, her brother's waiting for her."

Yup,  that's it. You guys'll just have to wait for the sequel if there's gonna be one*laughs evilly*. So how'd you like my story? I hope you guys loved it as much as I enjoyed its journey. Gosh, when did I get so deep😅😂😂?

Last questions of this story:

Q: Did you guys like this story? Do you want a sequel?

my answer: I loved the support you all gave me,  a lot of writers complain about the hate they're getting and I don't have any, so THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH for making this possible. I love you guys with all my heart❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I'm gonna leave the last question for you to decide.

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