new arrival

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hey guys, this chapter, another one, then the epilogue. Wow, this story has come so far and is almost at it's end. Love you guys and here's a double update. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed.


Clary giggled, "The poor kid's only telling the truth."

Jace grumbled something about favorites.

"Mommy! Look at Jonny!"

"What did Jonny do this time Amora?"

"He buwped at me!"

Clary rolled her eyes, 3 year olds, "Jonny, say sorry to Amora."

"BUT MOMMY! SHE SAID THAT- mommy why awe you peeing on youwself?"

Clary cursed under her breath. She knew was due any day now and on the day she finally. convinced Jace she was okay and he could go live his life, she had to go into labor.

"Sweetie, how about you go to grandma right now, okay?" Clary said as calmly as she could.

"Okay Mommy!" The twins chorused, then Amora whispered, "I won't tell Daddy you peed on youwself because then he'll be sad at you."

Despite her current condition, Clary laughed, "Okay, Amy."

As soon as the twins were gone, Clary called Jace. Jace, being a worried Jace, picked up on the first ring,

"Hey babe. Wassup?"

Clary immediately got annoyed and all plans of her admitting to Jace that he'd been right were gone, "WASSUP? I'll tell you what's up! I'm going into labor and you tell me WASSUP?!" 

"Wait, you're going into labor?"

Cary winced as a contraction hit, "No, my great grandparents just died. OBVIOUSLY I'M GOING INTO LABOR YOU NIT-WIT (ya I know, but I couldn't help it) ! YOU BETTER COME HERE RIGHT NOW!"

"Okay, okay. Just calm down and I'll be there in a minute," Jace assured as best he could without showing he was panicking.

As soon as Jace steeped through the door, he was slapped be an angry and in-pain Clary.


"Took you long enough to get here, now let's go."

"What about the twins?"

"They're with my mom."

"JACE! IF YOU DO THIS TOO ME AGAIN..." Clary screamed, leaving the threat for his violent imagination to decide.

"Okay, but can you OW!" Jace fixed his broken hand again and continued, "Not break my hand?"


As if on queue, a baby's cries could be heard. Forgetting about Jace for the moment,  Clary motioned for the doctor to give her the baby. When Jace was cutting the umbilical cord, the. doctor asked, 

"What's the baby's names?"

"Katherine (get it? no one? okay) Lily Herondale," Clary said confidently.

"MOMMY! DADDY! WE'RE HERE!" The twins yelled as soon as they entered the hospital room.

"Shhh," Jace shushed, "You'll wake your sister."

Clary beckoned for them to come to her, "You know, now that you both are older siblings you have to protect baby Kat at all costs, okay my little angels?"

"Okay Mommy," The twins said in unison.

"You know, I do remember Kat saying she got you both presents and it's waiting for you at the gift shop,"Jace said.

"Really?" The twins had obviously forgotten about their newborn sister for the time being.

Once Jace and the twins were gone Izzy squealed, "Oh my Angel! She's so cute!"

"I know!" Clary squealed back.

Jocelyn and Maryse joined in, "She looks just like you!" That was true, even asleep Kat managed to look like a baby Clary. It was like someone had copied-pasted Clary into Kat, short for Jace's chin though.

Well,  there's the second update for y'all. Sorry if it's bad and a bit rushed. Thanks again for all the love I'm getting from you guys, you're the best ❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Second question of the day:

Q: What are three weird facts about you? (not personal tho)

my answer:

 1) please don't laugh but I used to think Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez were the same person😅😅

2) I forgot I had PE homework to pick up, so I'm probably gonna get an F when I return from Christmas Holiday😂😭😭😭😭

3) I'm a bookworm

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