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Hey guys, I'm sooo sorry for the late update. OMG, thanks soo much for all the support I'm getting. 1.7k views and 170 votes! Wow just wow. Also this might be very short, sorry.


Once the twins and Evey were put to sleep the reception started and Jace and Clary danced to 2002 by Anne Marie. 

"Please make sure the twins are well-fed and put cream before you put on their diapers," instructed Clary, "and..."

"Put only soft foods in their mouth and when they start crying give them formula milk and nap them for at least 4 hours and the list goes on," Magnus reassured, getting slightly tired of Clary, "We get it sugar plum, now go enjoy your honeymoon." Magnus pushed her gently, while Jace pulled her away from the door.

"Bye twins!" Jace and Clary said.

"Finally!" Jace sat heavily on the hotel bed, "Peace and quiet with no crying!"

Clary raised an eyebrow, "Wow, I didn't know you hated the twins that much."

"No, I love them it's just.."

"You need your privacy?"

"NO! It's just nice to have a break."

"Well, what if one of them fell and broke their heads and no one knows about them, so when we come home we find one of them dead?"

"Umm, you know what? Let's check on them right now!"

Clary laughed, "Sure tough guy!"

"But before you do that, can I ask a question?"

"You already did blondie." (no offense you guys)

"Why'd you choose 2002 for our wedding song?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because Imagine Dragons is soo much better!"

"Well what would you want me to put? Believer?"

"Well ya or Radioactive or something like that."

"You do know it was a wedding not some hipster party?"

"Ya I know, but why not spice things up?"

Clary rolled her eyes, "You're officially a hopeless case."

Jace smirked, "But not in everything, fighting is my specialty."

"Sure blondie, sure."

"My babies!" Clary yelled after getting out of the car. Jace laughed as he also got out of the car, then he noticed what they were wearing, 


"They're wearing cute onesie's," Alec said like it was obvious.

"I know that," Jace said through gritted teeth, "But no child of mine will wear glitter! Clary look!"

Clary couldn't respond and when Jace saw why he pouted, 

"Why are you laughing?"

Before Clary could respond, Izzy came with Evelyn, 

"What's all this commotion? Poor Evey couldn't sleep," then she saw what was going on and began laugh until tears cam out of her eyes, "Seriously? Jace... I...Oh my Angel.... Jace!"

Then what Amora and Jonathan did surprised everyone. They walked -  or more like waddled- towards their parents. Amora went to Jace and tugged on his pants,

"Dada?" she said worriedly.

Clary immediately stopped laughing at the sight, "Aww! Cute!'

 Jace looked down at his daughter, not even realizing what to say he just said, "AWW! AMY I LOVE YOU!" Then he went red when he realized what he said infant of everyone. Then it was Jonathan's turn to surprise everyone.

"Ma...ma!" And he bent down to Clary's position on the floor.

"Hi baby," she cooed.

"That was the best welcome home ever!" Clary exclaimed as soon as she and Jace unpacked.

"I know! But why did they allow Magnus and Alec to let them wear glitter?"

"Probably to spite you," Clary laughed.

Jace folded his arms, "Well that's not fair!"

"When did you start talking like a kid?"

Jace huffed.

Aaaand CUT! Sorry I just had to say that. Also again sorry for the late update and bad chappie. Next chapter might be Malec depending on my mood. THANKS SOO MUCH FOR 1.7K READS!

Question of the day:

Q: Do you say PerKabeth or PerSabeth?

my answer: mostly Perkabeth but sometimes I say Persabeth.

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