Malec time!

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Hey guys, thank you soooooo much. 1.9K reads! Whoah! I love you guys so much, thanks for all the support I'm getting, it really means a lot. I really never expected so any views, much less votes.


"When did you start talking like a kid?"

Jace huffed.

"Soo," Alec began, "I was wondering if... well you know.."

"Know what cute boy?"

"You know, like maybe want to adopt?" Alec asked nervously, "I mean I was so fun taking care of Amy and Jonny (not! the quickest way to fall asleep is babysitting) that I began to wonder what it would be like to raise our own children."

"You know how long I waited to do this?"

"Do what?"

"Adopt! You dumb*ss shadow hunter."


"Well speak up! Do you want a girl or a boy?" Magnus asked seriously.

"Umm, I dunno. What do you want?"

"You know it would be nice not to make all the important decisions for once!" Magnus answered playfully.

"Uh, okay. A boy, since it's not cool have two baby girls and one boy. The poor kid," Alec reasoned.

"Sure, let's go now!"

"Wait! Umm... before we go, I wanna ask you a question."

"Well this better be good, I need to make sure my glitter is alright before we go."

"Do you want to be my husband?" Alec blurted out before he chicken out- again.

"Cute boy, you should know by now the proper way to propose because your way right now isn't even making my glitter shine."

"Umm.. okay," Alec said and got down on one knee, "Magnus Bane, ever since I laid my eyes on you, I had a crush on you. You showed me that it's okay to be who I am and not what other people want be to be. Will you do me the honor of being my husband?"

 "Oh now you got me glowin'! I agreed to this question before you even knew me. But since your such a dumb boy, so he answer is yes!" Magnus squealed as his Fiancé put the ring on his finger.

"So here are the official papers," Alec said handing over documents to the secretary, "And here's our passports and IDs."

"Okay and what age would you like the boy to be?" Asked the secretary once she checked the papers.

"Around 6 months," Magnus answered confidently.

"Well you're in luck, after the war we were put in charge of two baby boys. One that 4 months and a half. And the other one is 6 months. Would you like to see them?"

"Sure," Both Magnus and Alec grinned confidently.

"Alright right this way then," The secretary got up and led them to the nursery.

"Aww! They're so cute!" Magnus whisper-squealed when he saw the boys.

"Boy number one is Eric and he's 6 months and boy number 2  is Philip and he's 4 months and a half."

Eric had (you know what imagine Ariel's Eric as a baby) piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare at your soul and black hair, your typical Prince Charming. On the other hand, Philip had dark brown hair that could pass for black and brown eyes, he was an average looking baby but that was exactly what Magnus and Alec like about him.

"We'll take Philip, please!" Both Magnus and Alec said at the same exact time.

"Okay, sig here please and you're good to go," the secretary said.

"No prob," And with a snap of his fingers, Magnus had all the papers signed.

"Here's your new baby, congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

"OH MY ANGEL! HE'S SO FUDGING ADORABLE!" the women screamed while the men just shook hands.

"What's my nephew's name?" Jace and Izzy asked.

"Philip Bane Lightwood," the two fathers said proudly, "Or Phil for short."

"Awww, it's suits him," Clary congratulated them as well.

"Give me my grandson!" Maryse yelled jokingly.

"Sure mom," Alec handed over Phil to his mom.

"We also have other news as well!" Magnus announced.

"We're getting married!" Alec said.

"Sweet bro!" 



Everyone laughed and went to their respective rooms.

*wipes brow*. And that was your Malec chappie. Sorry if its bad. Love you all, so thanks for the support your all showing me it really means a lot.

Question of the day:

Q: Whats your favorite season?

my answer: spring or winter

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