No cursing

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Hey guys, I think two or three chapters until the babies are out! Yay finally, I hope that when the babies are born  the story will improve. Thank you for all the love and support I'm getting, remember to vote  and comment.


Clary grumbled, "You better write that down, because this is a once in a life time experience."

Clary slammed the laptop shut. The wedding was in 7 months and the invitations hadn't even been sent out. Since no one was there to listen to her ranting, she ranted to her unborn twins.

"Ugh! This is so annoying. I forgot we even had a wedding. And to make it worse it's my wedding and I totally forgot about it. I mean sure I remember that Jace proposed and we're fiancés and all that, but why couldn't I remember the wedding. OH NO!"

Right at that moment Jace ran in,  

"Oh no what?" he asked worriedly.

"I forgot the wedding dress. I didn't even go shopping!"

"That's it?"

"Yes,"  then realization hit her and she covered her mouth, "Oh dang!"

"Oh dang what?" Jace said worried all over again.

"I'm four months along and we don't even have babies clothes. What are they gonna wear? Oh my Angel! They're gonna be there at the wedding."

"Yes, I know so?"

"We don't have anything to dress them up with. We don't even have a onesie much less a suit or a dress."

"Can't we go shopping when they're born? It's not that much of a big deal."

"Yes it is! We need to go shopping now! Get Izzy and make sure Magnus doesn't hear about this."

"Okay fine, we'll go shopping. But I have on condition."

"And what's that?"

"They get black, leather jackets."

"What!" Clary yelped, she turned to her stomach,

"Don't worry. Daddy won't get you those jackets. Mommy will make sure of it."

"Are you talking with Amy and Jonny (Amora and Jonathan)?" Jace asked.

Clary rolled her eyes and sarcastically said, "No, I'm talking with my grandfather.

What Jace did next surprised Clary. He kneeled down and asked for permission to lift her shirt, then he said, 

"Daddy will get you those jackets. Mommy is just being mean."

Clary raised an eyebrow, then let out a sudden gasp,

"Jace the babies are kicking." She guided Jace's hand towards her baby bump and sure enough they were moving. They stayed like that for a few minutes Jace smirked,

"They apparently like me more."

"I wouldn't bet on it."

Somehow Magnus knew about their shopping trip and insisted on coming with them. Then Simon decided to tag along because apparently him and Izzy 'come in a package'. Jace cursed when Simon made it clear that he was coming.

"Jace! No cursing! The babies can hear you. And that goes to all of you, when you're around me." She warned, giving them the eye.

When everyone returned, Jace had a suitcase full of baby clothes and another suitcase full of all the other things the babies might need. He grumbled under his breath,

"I'm pretty sure they don't need all this."

"Then return the leather jackets," Clary said simply.

"Nu-uh! The only thing that's leaving is the sparkles. No kid of mine will be wearing sparkles."

"Even the womb mates and double trouble ones?" Clary said smugly, knowing that those, next to the jackets, were Jace's favorites.

"Well they have just enough sparkle. The other ones that are leaving are definitely the duck ones."

"Aww. Nope we're definitely keeping those."

Jace pouted. (cameras out again folks.)


  "Revenge for calling me a meany."

*breaths sigh of relief*. Okay, I'm sorry if that was boring. I just don't know what to write anymore. Again thanks for all the love I'm getting. OMG, I'm finally on time for the update, I'm even early. Woohoo!

Question of the day:

Q: What are your three favorite colors?

my answer: Black, grey and white. IDK why, but colors just appeal to me.

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