Chapter 29: Summerslam

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The kickoff of the show is the Brawler Rade Milkovich vs the Persian Leopard Ariya Daivari.
Dario: Dude, your chances of winning are extremely high, don't hold back.
Rade: Da, jas če go upostošim. (Yeah, I'll demolish him)
Asuka: Good luck babe.
She passionately kissed him and then left.
At the arena.
The Brawler made his entrance and with a confident smirk knowing that he'll win.

Upon hearing that theme he turned around and was waiting for the Persian to show up at the entrance, but he somehow made a entrance with his Mercedes car inside the arena like last year's MITB, he got out of the car and slowly walked towards the ring and upon entering it he climbed the ropes and did his pose and the Serbian wasn't impressed.
Announcer: The following contest is for the IC title. Introducing the challenger, from Minneapolis,Minnesota, weighing over 187 lbs, the Persian Leopard Ariya Daivari!!!
The crowd booed.
Announcer: And the champion, from Belgrade,Serbia, weighing over 230 lbs, the Brawler of Belgrade Rade Milkovich!!!
The crowd cheered. The Brawler handed his title to the referee and the two superstars starred daggers as the bell rang and they locked up, Daivari threw the European to the ropes and managed to Irish Whip him but it had no effect and the Brawler grabbed him for a Christ's Backbreaker and then grabbed him and threw him to the turnbuckle and then did Devastating Barrage landing blows to all sides and then threw the Leopard across the ring like a rag doll, the Persian Leopard starred at the Brawler as he was capable of everything that he wouldn't, the European was standing like a statue and waited for Daivari to make a move and he got up and went for a punch but the Serbian dodged it and managed to flip him and then land a brutal jab to the mid section and the Persian groaned in pain.
Rade: Not so much of a tough guy, huh?
He grabbed Daivari and looked forward to end it but he pushed the Brawler at the referee and knocked him out of the ring and Daivari did a Low Blow to the Serbian and he stumbled to his knees and Daivari backed out of the robes and then did a Frog Splash dealing some damage before locking in the Cobra Clutch, he was struggling so much and Daivari was enjoying it, the Brawler inhumanly manages to get up with Daivari on his back and walked to the ropes and touched it and Daivari jumped off behind him and went for a Superkick to the jaw and then grabbed him for a Hammerlock Lariat and went for the pin but the Brawler kicked out, he went for another but the Brawler broke free and pushed Daivari to the ropes and he bounced off only to catch him and put him on his shoulders and did a TKO and went for the pin and retained.
Announcer: Here's your winner and still IC champion... Rade Milkovich!!!
The ref gave him the title and he walked of the arena.
Luka: What a short match.
Dario: Što očekuvaše? Da trae 30 minuti? (What did you expect? To last 30 minutes?)
Rade: Je sam se ušte šampiona! (I'm still champion!)
The Empress ran to him and kissed him.
Asuka: Well done babe.
Rade: I always win and I hope you do too.
The other macthes:
AJ Styles vs Tony Nese.
The former Cruiserweight champion promised to add the US title to his collection but the Phenomenal One was his obstacle and didn't allow him. And it the end it was AJ with a Styles Clash to retain.
Blood Shepherd vs Drew McIntyre.
A rivalry renewed and there was no love for these two, countering moves to moves, Claymores vs Disaster Punches. In the end it was The Duke of the Balkans who ended things with a Giga Savate Strike.
The OC vs Street Profits.
The two teams had a huge rivalry from the beginning, fighting for the titles but in the end it was The OC with a Magic Killer to Angelo Dawkins to retain their RAW tag titles.
Grizzled Young Veterans vs The Ascension.
The Ascension finally got their opportunity and they faced Zack Gibson and James Drake for the titles. Connor did a Backbreaker to Drake, Gibson did a Step up Enzeguri to Viktor. But it was GYV who did Shanky Gates to retain.
Mickie James vs Shayna Baszler.
The Queen of Spades goes up against the RAW women's champ, Mickie managed to do her Mick Kicks but it wasn't enough to keep her down. Then Shayna's lackeys came to the arena to create a distraction to Mickie as Shayna locked in a Kirifuda Clutch and made Mickie tap out this making Shayna RAW women's champion.
Next was the Empress vs The Princess.
Rade: No matter what she does don't let your guard down, got it?
Asuka: Yes.
Rade: Good.
He kissed her.
Rade: See you in the others side.
Asuka: Okay.
Then she and Kairi left.
At the arena.
The women made their entrances and they took positions and the bell rang.
"Match Highlights"
Carmella managed to do a Superkick to the jaw of the Empress, she then went to the ropes for a Running Knee but was tripped by the Pirate Princess while the ref was busy with Asuka. The Empress got up and grabbed Carmella for a German Suplex and then for a Spine Buster and went for the pin but kicked out.
"End of the match"
Carmella managed to lock Asuka for a Code of Silence, Asuka was about to tap out but Kairi got inside and hit the Princess of Staten Island and caused a DQ, the two Japanese superstars layed last to Carmella before leaving with the Empress' title.
Dario: A DQ? Really Kairi?
Kairi: We have to do everything in our hands to keep the title.
Dario: And that's why I love you.
He hugged her tightly.
Rade: That was a disappointing ending there.
Asuka: We all must make sacrifices babe.
Rade: I understand, I'm not angry or anything.
Luka: Well I'm off to fight a Ring General.
Io: Good luck babe.
Luka: Oh you know I will.
The two kissed before leaving.
Lukas Gabriel Vs WALTER.
The two superstars made their entrances and we're glaring at each other and we're ready.
"Match Highlights"
WALTER hit a Knife Edge Chop to the Departing Sanity' chest and it echoed throughout the arena. But that didn't keep him down, the Croatian managed to do Hurricarana and send the big men to the ropes before eradicating him for a Canadian Destroyer and went for the pin but the Ring General kicked out, shocking the Departing Sanity.
"End of the match"
Luka climbed the ropes and did a Sanity has left the Building but WALTER caught him and did a Powerbomb and went for the pin but he kicked out, WALTER then did a Arm Trap Crossface forcing the European to tap out and making WALTER the newest WWE champion, he and the Departing Sanity got up and shook hands and they had respect and the Croatian raised the Austrian's hand.
Seth Rollins vs Samoa Joe.
The Beast Slayer was having the speed advantage while Joe has the brute strength. In the end Joe managed to finish him off with a Coquenia Clutch finally winning his first world title in the WWE.
Dario: I was right all the time.
Luka: At least I did my best.
Io: True.
Asuka:But me and my man still are helding are titles.
Io: We'll see about that.
Kairi: Yes and I helped you
Rade: Well see what's in store for us fellas.

OK guys, tomorrow I'm updating.
Peace out!

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