Chapter 33: Clash of Champions

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Kairi: Honey even if you win or lose at least you'll give it your all.
Dario: I know and there will be a twist in the match and you'll be surprised.
Rade: He's right, only me, Dario and Luka know about it.
Io: Mind telling us?
Luka: Nope, it's a secret but there will be another surprise just for you.
Rade: I also got one for you Asuka.
Asuka: I'm surprised.
Luka: We'll reveal the surprise after your match.
Asuka: But we also got a surprise I'm my match too.
Dario: Looking forward to see it but we have to go.
The two left for the match.
At the arena.
The four men we're on the ring, a fatal fourway for the IC title. The bell rang and Rade and Dario we're on the same side and we're fighting the "alliance" of Daivari and Elias. The two teams managed to start a brawl and the Brawler and Duke threw out their enemies and they we're the only ones on the ring and the crowd was chanting "Yes!" over and over as they got two see a long anticipated match and the two friends nodded and shook hands and began brawling, firing with all their might and it all turned around after Daivari entered inside with a Frog Splash knocking the two out, he got The Brawler for a Hammerlock Lariat and went for the pin but the Duke manage to break the count, the Persian Leopard got up only to get a Giga Savate Strike to the jaw and the Duke went for the pin but Elias broke it. The Duke got up with a fire glaring look at the Drifter as he flees and the Duke followed him and ran circles around the ring, upon entering the Brawler hit a kick the head and the Duke entered and did a Double Leg Takedown to the Brawler before grabbing him for a Judgement Arrows, the Serbian managed to get the ropes for the submission to end and the Duke let go and he grabbed the Brawler only to get a punch to the face but Daivari did Step up Knee Strike to the Brawler before following it up with a Enzeguiri to the Duke and went for the pin but Luka Gabriel came out running and managed to get to the ropes and Daivari charged at him and the Departing Sanity backed off smiling at the Persian Leopard.
Luka: The future is foreseen that you won't win.
Ariya: I will destroy you for interrupting my momentum!
He got out and was face to face with the Croatian but a Spear from the Duke from out of nowhere managed to neutralize him and got up and winked at the European and Luka smiled before Shepherd enters again to find Elias setting up Rade for a Drift Away but the Duke interrupted it by throwing out the Drifter outside the ring and grabbed Rade who fought back, while outside the ring Lula ran up to Elias and did a Canadian Destroyer knocking him out while the ref was busy with the Europeans, back at the ring Rade grabbed Shepherd for a TKO but the Duke got out and did Giga Savate Strike and went for the pin and the crowd went wild.
Announcer: Here's your winner and the new IC champion... Blood Shepherd!!!
The Duke of the Balkans got some new momentum by winning the IC title for a second time, then Luka came in stood by the Macedonian's side as they watched Rade get up and he saw the two smiling at him and Shepherd extended his hand to him, the crowd thought that the three will team up and it was true by the Brawler accepting his hand and got up and shook it and they then went out side and grabbed Daivari and Elias and threw them inside and got inside as well, Rade grabbed Elias in a Powerbomb position and Luka ran to the ropes for a Springboard Cutter and Powerbomb combo and it was successful, next the Duke told the two to grab Daivari so he could finish him off the two did what he said and he used the ropes for a Spear and it penetrated Daivari leaving unconscious before the three Balkan superstars we're standing talk and then they saluted to the crowd while in a serious look and now there is a new alliance born.
Dario: A sega toa nije go vikame "tim". (And that's what we call a "team")
Rade: Nije gi šokiravme site (We shocked everyone)
Luka: Osobeno damite (Especially the ladies)
Then Kairi attacked her husband with kisses.
Kairi: I'm so proud of you, you made me and baby Alex proud.
Dario: I know.
He gave her a kiss.
Asuka: Too bad you didn't retain.
Rade: I'm fine with Dario winning.
Io: And it looks like you formed a faction?
Luka: Precisely.
The other matches.
AJ Styles vs Humberto Carillo.
Great effort from the Mexican superstar but it all came to a close after AJ did a Phenomenal Forearm and Calf Crusher to retain.
Grizzled Young Veterans vs Heavy Machinery.
The two goliaths had the size advantage, setting it up for a Compactor to win but Zack came in with a chair shot to Otis and there was a DQ so they can somehow retain.
OC vs Ryder and Hawkins.
Zack got Anderson for a Rough Rider and went for the pin but kicked, Gallows managed to neutralize Hawkins, in the end the OC retains with a Magic Killer.
Shayna Baszler vs Tegan Nox.
The rivals from NXT have been going at it again, Tegan did a Dropkick to the face of the Queen of Spades and went for her finisher but was interrupted by a Kirifuda Clutch which Baszler retains.
Next was Asuka VS Carmella.
The two made their entrance, the bell rang and they we're starring daggers before brawling.           "Match Highlights".                                                             

The Empress hit the Princess of Staten Island with a Hip Attack. Carmella retaliated with a Superkick to the jaw and went for the pin but Kairi put her leg to the ropes and the count broke and Carmella got out and started chasing Kairi around in circles before Asuka got her in a Spinning Kick.

"End of the match"

Carmella did a Bronco Buster before using Code of Silence and locked the Empress, suddenly Io Shirai came out and hit Carmella with the briefcase and it forced a DQ, Kairi entered inside the ring but also got hit with the briefcase and she cashed in.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Io Shirai is cashing in MITB!

The crowd cheered and she got up for a Moonsault and pinned Asuka and won.

Announcer: Here's your winner and the new SD women's champion... Io Shirai!!!

She helped the two Japanese superstars get up and they looked at the Evil Genius extending her hand to them and they unexpectedly shook it and the shocked the crowd and joined her side.

Meanwhile, Baszler and Joe retained their titles.


Io was getting kisses from her boyfriend.

Luka: I'm so proud of you, little heel.

Io: Thanks.

He kneeled down and pulled out a box and it contains a ring.

Luka: Io Shirai, will you marry me?

Tears fell down her eyes and she nodded and kissed him.

Kairi: Good for them.

Dario: Same here.

Asuka: So Rade what is the surprise?

Rade: This.

He kneeled too and revealed a box with a ring too.

Rade: Kanako Urai, will you marry me?

The Emrpess was shocked and happy.

Asuka: Yes!

She kissed him and he kissed back.

Kairi: Even Rade and Asuka?

Dario: Double wedding? Nice.

OK guys, the final chapter is later.

Peace out!

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