Chapter 25: A foe for a Brawler

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At the arena.
The Brawler Rade Milkovich was in the ring with his IC title he won after beating Shinsuke Nakamura in No DQ and got revenge for Asuka. The crowd was chanting "You deserve it!" and then clapping over and over, but it was time for the Brawler to speak up
Rade: Last Sunday at Extreme Rules I displayed dominance by beating that "King" and taking his title. And now there is a new king on the mid card section and if anyone has a problem with that then I suggest you tell that to my face cause I'm ready to fight!
The crowd cheers.
Rade: You know Nakamura has met the gates of Hell and I threw him there along with the loud mouth Sami Zayn and now I'm waiting for my next challenger, so who's it gonna be?
He stopped talking on his mic and turned to face the stage until a theme played.

Coming out in his usual ring ring attire and with a confident smirk on his face, he had the nerves to pick a fight with the Brawler and the European was satisfied at who came to him.
Ariya: For many years being into the WWE and inheriting my brother Shawn Daivari has been a delightful trip, but there is something missing to top the Daivari legacy, and that is a title.
The Brawler didn't respond and could only listen.
Ariya: I didn't wield a single title ever since stepping to this company and my brother held one back in the past, and I came for you Rade Milkovich and I'm here to collect your IC title.
Rade: You think you have what It takes to step up to a former UFC fighter, the guy who beat Bobby Lashley in a Last Man Standing match and survived a LED wall crash and who beaten Shinsuke Nakamura to claim this, and out of all people someone like you had decided to show up and by that I mean that you are nothing more than a sacrificial lamb that was sent by Triple H!
The crowd cheered his roast.
Ariya: Shut up! I'm the one who's doing the talking right here-
Rade: What's the matter? Gonna cry? Go and get your bro for some comfort and tell him that I said "Hi!"
Ariya threw his mic and was about to March towards the ring and fight the Brawler but he first thought of what the European was capable off and so he left, much to the Brawler's disappointment.
Dario: Čoveče, upravo ste uhvatili Daivari. (Dude, you just nailed Daivari)
Luka: Da, što se tiče veštine mikrofona, stalno se svačajte. (Yeah in terms of mic skills, you keep wrecking everyone.)
Rade: Hvala, šta ste momci spremili? (Thanks, what are you guys up to?)
Dario: Pa nemam ništa, ali Luka ima nešto. (Well, I don't have anything, but Luka has something.)
Luka: Da, u Summerslam izdajem bilu koga iz ovog popisa da see bori so protiv mene za WWE titulata. (Yeah, at Summerslam I'm issuing anyone on this roster to fight me for the WWE title)
Rade: Zvuči sveže, sretno. (Sounds fresh, good luck)
Luka: Hvala. (Thanks)
He then got up and left and Asuka came in and sat on the Brawler's lap.
Asuka: Hey babe.
Dario: I'm going outside to give you some space.
He left.
Rade: So babe what's up?
Asuka: Nothing much. Next week will be determined my challenger at Summerslam for the title.
Rade: Well I might have a guess for who will be my opponent.
At the arena.
Luka: This baby in my shoulders is both leaving his father and I'm taking care of it and as for Summerslam I want someone to fight me with the title on the line and who has the balls to step up to the-

Out came all four members of Imperium. WALTER, Marcel Barthel, Fabian Aichner and Alexander Wolfe. They came with their arms behind their backs, the crowd was ecstatic and the Croatian was satisfied to see NXT UK's most dominant stable on SD and WALTER had a mic.
WALTER: Imperium has arrived on Smackdown!
The crowd cheers.
WALTER: And you just issued a challenge with that title on your shoulder, I'll gladly take it away from you.
Luka: Well, if it isn't the Austrian Anomaly, WALTER who decided to show up with his crew, listen buddy I'm the King of this wasteland and you dare to try and take my throne, I'll gladly accept you challenge at Summerslam.
The arena exploded to see a dream match happen in a few weeks, and the show came to a close.
Luka: Nice acting fellas, it was nice to know you.
WALTER: On the ring I'm cold and ruthless but outside it's great to know more people.
Marcel: Especially when you get to meet great wrestlers like you.
Luka: Well yeah-
Dario: Marcel! Good to see you my friend!
Marcel recognized his friend and they bro hugged.
Alexander: I take it that you know each other?
Dario: Yeah back in the indies and in Germany we been the best of friends.
WALTER: What's your name?
Dario: Dario Ivanovski or Blood Shepherd at you service, Luka Gabriel's friend.
Luka: Yeah he's also a friend of mine but I got another one and he's coming this way.
The saw the Brawler and Empress walk up.
Rade: Zdravo društvo, šo se desilo? (Hey guys what's up?)
Dario: Meet Imperium and this right here is Luka's opponent.
He pointed to the Austrian wrestler.
Rade: Nice to meet you, my names Rade and this Asuka.
She waved at them.
Marcel: I didn't knew you this many friends on the main roster?
Dario: Due there are a ton of stuff you don't know about.
WALTER: Well it was nice knowing you all but we have to go, see you next week Luka.
Luka: Okay I'll see you guys next week.
They left.
Dario: Dude, your so destroyed at Summerslam.
Luka: How do you know?
Rade: Walter is like a legend and he managed to beat Will Oasprey, Neville, Ilja Dragunov and Pete Dunne.
Luka: But let's see if he can top over the Departing Sanity.
Asuka: You're going to have to try harder.
Luka: I know.
Rade: Who wanted to hang out.
Asuka: I'm in.

OK guys, had a rough week and I finally updated just for today, tomorrow is the next chapter.
Peace out!

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