Chapter 32: A unlikely offer

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At the arena.

The four men made their entraces, it was a 2v2 tag match where it's the IC champion Rade Milkovich teaming with his fellow Balkan brethren The Duke of the Balkans Blood Shepherd vs their opponents at Clash of Champions Ariya Daivari and Elias, the ones starting are Shepherd and Daivari. The two locked hands and began pushing, the forces we're colliding but the Persian Leopard coudn't hold on and escaped his grasps and went for a Step up Enzeguiri to the face but it was avoided and got a Disaster Punch to the face of Daivari who stumbled back to his corner and tagged Elias and the Drifter came out as he was prepared to fight a prepared Duke, hitting him with a Step up Knee Strike to the jaw but it didn't faze much and Elias went for Drift Away but it was thwarted by the Duke and pushed Elias to his corner and did a Dropkick and tagged in the Brawler of Belgrade and went full force on the Drifter. Nailing him with a Devastating Barrage before throwing him across the ring like a rag doll and went for a devastating Cross Kick to the jaw and Daivari got out and went for a shot but instead he got shot down with a flip from the Brawler's back and getting a kick to the back and the Duke got out and grabbed Daivari and threw him out and went after him and the Brawler grabbed the Drifter for a TKO but he managed to get out push the Brawler  to the ropes and bounce off and  only to get hit with a Knee Strike to the jaw and then grabbing the Brawler for a Drift Away and went for the pin but the Duke got inside and broke the count and Elias got up for a Giga Savate Strike and knocked him out but from behind Daivari kicked him in the knee and he stumbled and then a kick to the face before grabbing Shepherd for a Hammerlock Lariat but the Brawler interfered and got him for a Superman Punch and he went to the ropes and bounced off only to get to the Brawler's shoulders and get a TKO and went for the pin and the match was won.

Announcer: Here are your winners... The team of the IC champion Rade Mlikovich and Blood Shepherd!!!

The Brawler helped the Duke get up and their hands we're raised and they we're happy that they won but at Clash of Champions it was every men for them selves.


(A/N: Since I'm currently writing on the laptop I will show you how the Cyrillic alphabet works)

Dario: Пријатеље, добра сарадња. (Dude, nice team work)

Rade: Да знам, нажалост, две недеље су сви сами. (I know, too bad in two weeks it's every men for themselves.)

Dario: Nече бити тако лоше да то знае. (It won't be so bad you know that)

Тhen the two walked in to the gang.

Asuka: Nice teamwork babe.

Rade: Thanks, it was nice teaming with someone as a fantastic ring worker as Dario.

Dario: Dude.

Rade: I mean it.

Kairi: Christian told me to inform you to got his office honey, same with Luka who went to him.

Dario: Well we should go, by the way what are you going to do?

Io: Next will be Asuka and Kairi attacking Carmella after her match with Mandy Rose.

Asuka: I'll beat her.

Rade: Looking forward to that rematch. Let's go man.

"10 minutes later"

At Christian's office.

Dario: So why did you call the three of us here?

Christian: Because I have a plan for the three of you in the future.

Luka: May we ask what is it?

Christian: At Clash of Champions you will-

They began geting into more details as the camera zoomed from the office door.

At the arena.

Carmella hit Mandy with Superkick in the jaw and went for the count but Sonya put her leg on the ropes to break the count.

Carmella: Oh come on!

After that she was ambushed behind by the two Japanese superstars and the bell rang for a DQ and they began beating her up to a pulp and the two did a Double Powerbomb (Shield Style) before cursing her in Japanese before grabbing the belt and leaving.

OK guys, this was chapter 32 and we're two chapters away from this book's end.

Peace out!

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