Chapter 2

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Blake POV

I'm up way before her the next morning. I'd expect her to sleep all day with how little sleep she must've gotten. God, I feel so bad for being the reason she's like this, but there's no point in sitting around all day feeling guilty when I could be looking for Darren. I get up and go take a quick shower and change before heading to my office.

I got through every note that we have and try to figure out any people connected to him. The only person that comes to mind is Lucy White. We need to start somewhere, and going to talk to Lucy is going to be our best bet. I go grab my keys and head out to my car.

"Blake!" Someone shouts behind me.

I turn to see Willow running to me, still in her pajamas. I don't know what she's doing up, it's barely 9 in the morning and the day after Christmas. She never gets up this early normally, no one does. I couldn't really sleep so that's the only reason I am.

"Did Zoey finally come home?" She asks.

To keep all this a secret from my family, I made up the excuse that Zoey went somewhere with her aunt. They believed me and haven't asked much since. I guess Willow must've heard me when I got home last night. 

"Yes, she is, but leave her alone for a little while," I tell her. "Zo is really tired and needs to get some rest."

Willow nods and heads back upstairs, probably to bed. I continue on with my mission and go to my car. I get in and drive the short drive to Lucy's house. No car appears to be in the driveway and all the blinds are drawn upstairs and downstairs. I walk up to the door and knock. After a few minutes, I knock again, but harder this time.

'Why isn't anyone answering?' I ask myself.

I knock once more and after I get no answer, I pick the lock and walk inside. The place looks untouched for a little while, but someone was here that night. I check the cabinets and there's nothing in them, but the fridge is still full. I check upstairs for someone and in every bedroom and bathroom are empty of everything except for mattresses and bed frames.

It seems like Lucy left, but knew she was going to. I finally reach the master bedroom that's at the furthest corner of the house. I open the door and the room is like the rest of them, but a note is placed on the bed. It looks old and perfectly folded. I pick it up, already knowing who it's from.

Dear Blake and Zoey,
It appears you've come looking for my darling Lucy. You'll never find her just like you'll never find me. I'd be careful, Zoey. I might be hiding right now, but I'll be back soon enough to get you and destroy you, Blake. Farewell, until next time.

I yell out in frustration. Why can't he just leave us alone?! I put the note in my pocket and drive back home. I quickly make breakfast for Star and head upstairs. She's still sleeping peacefully which I expected. Normally, I'd leave her to sleep, but she needs to eat. I shake her and she wakes up almost instantly.

"Breakfast time love," I tell her, placing the tray in front of her.

She gives me a big, sleepy smile and starts eating the fruit first then the pancakes. I sit down next to her and she gives me some of the food too, except the fruit. It's her favorite and she never shares. After breakfast, I get up to take the leftovers and the dishes downstairs. I walk into the room to see her crying on the bed.

I rush to her side and hold her in my arms as she cries. I whisper reassuring words into her ear and try my best to calm her down. Her hand is wrapped in a little fist and I slowly open it to reveal that she's holding Darren's note. It must've slipped out of my pocket. 

"Shit Star, I'm so sorry you had to read that," I tell her.

I hadn't planned on telling her about it. I didn't want to take the chance of something like this happening or worse.

"Is he ever going to leave us alone?" Zoey whispers.

"I don't know," I whisper back.

I do know when though, but I can't tell her the truth. It'll break her heart. Zo hates the thought of people getting hurt and knowing I'm the leader of a gang is hard enough for her as it is. To get Darren to leave us alone, we'll have to kill him.


The rest of the day is spent getting Zoey to eat and have a peaceful first day of recovery. I haven't left her side, which also means I've been doing work in bed. She keeps asking me to explain it and I promised that I would, after I finished some of the paperwork. That's resulted in me taking forever to finish.

I really don't want to explain it to her. She knows what gangs are and that I'm a leader of one (all thanks to Darren) but I don't want to explain to her everything or a good portion of everything. I knew this day would come soon enough, but I hadn't expected it to come so soon.

"Blake, I know you're taking forever on your work so you don't have to explain further," She says, not taking her eyes off the screen. "I'm not going to be mad, I promise."

"But you might be scared of me and I can't bare the thought of that," I admit to her.

"I'll be fine, it'll just take some getting used to."

With a sigh, I explain everything. She looks a bit scared at some points, but I constantly reassure her that I'd never hurt her. It breaks my heart a little bit each time I have to, but I can't avoid doing it. 

"Well, I'll have to get used to this kind of life, but I'll be alright if I have you," She tells me.

I breaht a sigh of relief and kiss her. It's a quick one, but I love it all the same.

"I love you Zoey, never forget that."

"I love you too."

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