Chapter 4

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Blake POV

Zoey is bouncing up and down as we drive to the hospital the next afternoon. She wants to make a good first impression on the babies (even though they won't remember it) so she got a bit dressed up. My mom did her make-up so that it looked natural and like she wasn't wearing any and put her hair in a fishtail braid.

My mom also picked out a satin maroon dress that reaches her knees and is tighter around the top but flows out at the bottom and some black sneakers. With her being all dressed up in such a good mood, I'm taking her out on a surprise date to a semi-fancy sushi place a few miles away from the hospital.

We arrive at the hospital and Zoey runs inside to the elevator. I hurry after her and she practically breaks the door down as she runs in Paisley's room. 

"Can we see the babies now?" Zo asks, out of breath slightly.

The couple laughs and nods. West leads us to the room they're being kept in and in containers with wires attached to them lay two, snow-white babies. On each container, there was a piece of paper with the date they were born, the time they were born, how much they weighed, their gender, and their name.

In the first container was a baby boy named Perseus Samuel Alvarado-Morgan. In the second one contained his twin sister, Phoebe Selene Alvarado-Morgan. Both looked similar, but babies tend to at first. Star, of course, starts getting all excited and listening off how she wants to spoil the two. 

Last night, Weston and Paisley had made Zoey and I their godparents since they trust us the most. Paisley is a bit weary on me still, but after all that happened with the kidnapping, she trusts me better. We head back to Paisley's room to say good-bye and then go to dinner.

"They're so adorable Blake!" Zoey exclaims in the car.

"Yes, they are," I reply.

"But it's so sad they have to have all those wires coming out of them and be kept in that container."

"It might be sad, but they need to finish growing and that will help them stay alive until they are."

"I know. Paisley is so upset about it. I was texting her this morning and it breaks her heart seeing them like that. She feels like she has failed them, even though she hasn't."

That must be why she looked so upset while on her phone last night. I would've asked, but if she wanted to tell me, I knew she would. We pull into the parking lot of the restaurant and get out. I tell them a table for two and they lead us to one that's closer to the back. We order drinks (mine being Pepsi and hers being Sprite) and some sushi and other stuff.

It was an overall fun night. Zoey tried using the training chopsticks but gave up and just used a fork. I've used them a good amount of times that I can use them pretty well but ended up using my fork too. I paid and we drove home. It wasn't really late so I put on the Iron Giant and made some popcorn.

Star got dressed and went looking for her favorite blanket. As I'm making the popcorn, I realize one thing I forgot to do when we got her back. I forgot to give her the presents I bought her for Christmas. I know she hadn't bought me anything since Zo and Maddie had planned to go out last week to get me one. 

That never happened, but it's fine. Her being okay is more than enough. I finish the popcorn and head upstairs to the guest bedroom where Star used to sleep. Since she got back, she's been sleeping in my room. At the top of the closet is the three gifts I got her: a little, velvet box, a big rectangle box, and a small square box.

I head into our room and she's all curled up on the bed with her favorite fuzzy and soft blanket. When I walk in her eyes light up and then sorta start sparkling with curiosity as she notices the horribly wrapped presents.

"Forest, what's that?" She asks.

"I got you some Christmas presents before you left, but have been forgetting to give them to you," I reply while setting them down in front of her and placing the popcorn bag on the nightstand.

She grabs the biggest one first and rips the paper off it. The box becomes visible, showing a laptop computer on the outside. She looks up at me, a little bit puzzled and a little bit excited, before opening it and showing one of the best working laptops I could buy.

"I remembered that a few weeks ago you started writing stories on my computer and drawing pictures using my computer. Instead of having to take the computer away when I need to do work, you can use your own computer and keep writing until you stop," I explain. "It's already set up for you, but we can add the background and other stuff later."

"Thank you so much!" 

She leans over to hug me and I, of course, hug her back while squeezing her slightly. She picks up the square box next. Star rips the paper off the box once again, leaving a white box which she proceeds to open. Inside are tons of pictures of the two of us, her and her friends, her and her family, just her friends, just her family, etc. Anyone she cares about and loves is in a picture in the box.

"We can hang them up on the walls or put them in picture frames once we move out of here, but until then, we can pin a few of them up in my room," I tell her.

"When we move out?" Zoey asks.

"For a year now, I've been having this giant house built so I can move out the moment I turned 18, which is in a few months. Now that we're getting married, I thought it might be a good idea if you moved in with me too," I answer. "You want to get married, right?"

"As long as it's with you, of course," She replies as she gives me a kiss.

I hand her the final present (out of the ones she can see) and she carefully takes the wrapping paper off and opens it. Inside is a silver ring with the infinity sign on the front of it, the bottom half of it with little diamonds on it, and a similar one, but in gold and it's a bit bigger.

"That is a promise ring, meaning I promise to commit myself to you. The silver one if for you and the gold one is for me," I explain, taking the box from her.

I put the promise ring on her right ring finger and she does the same with mine. Now that she has her promise ring, time to execute my original plan for after I gave that to her. She starts watching the movie again and I do too, for a little while. Near the end of it, I open my nightstand drawer and grab the velvet box that's similar to the one before and get up, placing it in my pocket.

I pause the movie we're watching, grab my phone, and start playing Disney love songs. I take her hand and we start dancing in the middle of my room to the songs. She giggles as we do and a few songs later, I get ready to do my plan. My phone starts playing I See the Light from Tangled and she's leaned in so we're slow dancing as she rests on my chest.

We stay like that for a while, peaceful as can be. I kiss her forehead and lightly push her back a bit, startling her. Right as the guy starts singing, I get onto one knee in front of her and she gasps from surprise.

"I never got to properly ask you to marry me, but I want to make up for that," I say and take the box out of my pocket. "Zoey Star Night, I promise to love you for as long as I live and even longer. We've been through hell and back lately and I think it's only made us stronger. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" 

With that being said, I open the box to reveal a simple silver ring with a beautiful and good-sized diamond in the center of it. She nods her furiously as tears roll down her cheeks. I get up and pull her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. I let go, kiss her, and place the ring on her right ring finger, right on top of the promise ring.


This was so sappy and was a little hard to write because my heart kept exploding from cuteness as I imagined it. I hope you guys enjoyed! ~ Em

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