Fate: The Worst Scenario

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- This power up means nothing!

Scáthach parries incommimg attack at ease and slashes him several times. He's forced to retreat.

- Damn it! I shouldn't have played around with you. Especially with you! That's where it got me!

- No complaints now, you wanted to fight so come right at me!

- (I finally had a chance to get rid of her... Damn it!)

Scáthach slowly walks towards him with confident smile:
- Do you remember the times when twenty of you teamed up against me? Want to repeat the ridiculous disadvantage you had during that battle, fufufu?

- Damn it... DIE YOU, OLD WITCH!

- Who do you call old, you stupid disciple?!

- ( Damn it, I just made my own grave)

Scáthach rushes at him, he barely blocks and counter attacks, parried by her second spear, attack from first spear, Cu kicks it and makes it miss but right from under Gae Bólg appears another one that pierces his foot. She throws her shoe at his face, jumps forward, wears her shoe back and kicks in the face. Many Gae Bólgs follows him, he lands on the ground looks at them, they all misses but midair changed direction, he's forced to dodge but gets several slashes, Scáthach's already in front of him and hits him with the bottom part of her spear, then ready to pierce his heart, has to jump really high to dodge...

Leader is punched away right at the rock. He shots many energy balls, David just walks forwards, let them hit him, does nothing. He's moved so fast he punched him in the face, while he was going to be punched by the immense force, he stomped on his foot, make him stick to the ground and rapidly punched his face, then finished with punch in the chest, throwing him away. That punch destroyed his bones and lungs, right in the middle of regeneration, David appeared above him and smashed on the ground, rapidly kicking his chest, finished with a punch that destroyed his chest. Arms, legs and head are thrown away by the force, legs and arms regenerates, creates some kind of lianas of muscles connected to each other's parts, tries to trap David, he grabs those muscles, gathers in one place, smashes them, only leaving some kind of liquid. David starts charging energy ball in his two hands. Leader regenerates, fires many Spirit Slashes, David dodges while charging and rushes forward. Lava blows up from underground and flies in his direction, he dodges while charging it, rocks tries to trap him, immobilize his legs but he easily breaks through. Then he uses his psychic powers but can only barely slow him down. Ice Bullets - creates and fires them, they freeze his arms on impact but he breaks it. He's pushed to the corner, charges Energy of Destruction even though he already knows it won't work he has to try. Fires it but it does nothing but destroys the ground all around him. David jumps out from the hole and keeps pushing. Leader creates the forest in front of him, all the leaves, lianas attacks him, tries to stop him. He hestites for a second but dodges them untouched. Wild animals - with of course huge boost in power - attacks him. He spreads his Primal Energy, they stopped their attack. David gets more pissed because he attacked him with nature. David keeps pushing forwards. Leader breaks the ground in front of him, cutting Planet Earth in half, David stops right at the edge and jumps over it. Leader fixes it because it failed. Then his last attack - Tornado. David jumps right inside of it and moves with the wind right at him - Leader's powerless against him.

- (That's- That's impossible! How someone that strong can exist?! Just what is he?!)

David leaves the tornado, he's right behind him, the energy ball changes into Huge Spirit Sword - 50x bigger than him. David slashes him, it's so big it covers the area kilometers away and cuts through even more, Leader in time created shield strong enough to protect himself... Scáthach's already in front of Cu and hits him with the bottom part of her spear, then ready to pierce his heart, has to jump really high to dodge... David's Spirit Sword. Cu alter jumped in time as well.

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