Fate: And The Winner is...? (Ending)

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- How did you like that, Setanta?

Leader heavily breaths:
- ( He's... Still alive, thanks to guts skill...)

Cu spits blood and falls on the ground, he's alive but not able to fight. She comes closer to him.

- Master, did I...

- Hm?

- Did I do well, Master?

- It's been a great fight, Setanta. You did well... Although I'll allow only your light form to kill me...

- *spits blood* See ya... In afterlife then... Shishou...

Cu disappears and drops Grand Ruler's bone, Scáthach takes it... Which means he's dead. Scáthach is the last standing servant!

- Now onto you... Leader... What should I do with you?

Leader tries to attack with his Bone Rod but Scáthach reacts quickly enough and cuts off his fingers, then grabs the Bone Rod.

- You are disarmed. Are you giving up?

- Damn it... I was so close... To obtained this piece... Damn it!

- Are you talking about this?

Scáthach had the grail the whole time.

- That weird bone hand was sticking to the grail the whole time. I thought it was important so I didn't drop it.

- Hahaha... Hahahahaha!

- Why are you laughing? It can't be-

Scáthach turns around ready for the attack but nothing's there. Her chest, has been pierced from inside by many sharp bones, she's falling on the ground.

- Hahaha! Let me tell you one thing, Lancer. One mistake you made, was to grab my Bone Rod.

- I- Impos- *coughs blood*

- It pierces the user's inside with endless amounts of bones, if it's not someone with the same regeneration capabilities as me they will not survive that! I've heard the tale about you, it's still amazing you survived that. Be grateful for your immortality.

Leader takes the Bone rod and the rest of the bones from Scáthach. David just powerlessly looks at her, suffering from pain, dying. He sees the image he saw a long time ago, of her wife being erased...

- (This... isn't happening... Am I going to loose her again... I... I don't want to loose anyone else)

- I'm sorry... Master...

David gasps, his eyes becomes red.

- Now, getting back to you scu- Where's my rod?! I swear I had... It... In my... Hand... *coughs blood*

- Look on the ground.

Leader looks on the ground and sees his arm and fingers cutted off, his Bone Rod is there too. Then he realizes his throat has been cutted off and it's bleeding, he falls on the ground, cutted in half and sees David - red hair, red eyes, muscular body and red symbol on the left part of his chest, lines on his face with symbol on his forehead.

- Wha- What is tha-

Leader's tongue falls on the ground. David slashed him several times without Leader even realizing that.

- So... You wanted to surpass Grand Ruler, huh? Then what about the form... that killed him?

- I- Impossible- it can't be-

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