Fate: Struggles for Survival

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David with one swing pushes the incomming spears away and rushes towards Cu Chulainn, he's about to punch him, Leader slows him down with his psychic powers, that lets Cu escape.

- I will be your shield AND support! You both handle the battle, got it?

Cu & Scáthach:
- Yes.

David and Cu lands on the ground, David is about to punch him, Cu blocks with his spear, impact was so strong is destroyed the ground. Scáthach gets on the right side and kicks David away.

- Now! Together!

They charges their Gae Bólgs and rushes at him. David didn't block, got him and was thrown away by the force but it still barely did anything. David releases lots of energy into the ground. The ground in the range of one kilometers is blown to the sky in pieces, David rushes at them - they block together incoming punch. All of them jumps back on falling rocks and rushes at each other, they block together another attack, jumps on another rock and together blocks his punch but this time manages to push him and send flying back on the ground.

- That's it, that's our chance! He thinks only about attacking!

- Look closely, that is because he doesn't need to block our attacks.

- Tch, we barely do anything. At this rate we'll run out of mana.

- Bone Rod gives you an infinite supply of energy and stamina. If someone's going to run out of energy that would be him!

- Be on guard! He's coming!

Cu & Leader:
- ?!

David appears in front of Scáthach and punches her, Leader moves her away with psychic powers, David rushes at Leader and punches him, Leader does the same but David's punch was too strong, he ripped off his arm with one punch, Leader's completely shocked, he uses his Bone Rod to push David away and regenerates.

- Damn it, if it keeps going like that we won't beat him. Time for my second Noble Phantasm. Slaughter. Without exception. Liberate all curses. Without moderation. Be prepared to challenge despair...

David turns around and looks at Cu.

- Bastard... To make me use this form... Curruid Coinchenn!

Cu chulainn's wraith summons forth the skeleton of the sea monster Curruid and wears it.

They rush at each other. Cu slashes his chest, but this is still nothing, jumps slightly back and slashes incomming punch, he's able to hold it because of Grand Ruler's bone. David keeps punching him, Cu dodges and slashes him everytime. Scáthach's behind David, drops runes and jumps back, Cu realizes what runes that are and escapes. She activates them, David's trapped with lianas that absorbs his energy but he breaks them after a few seconds and rushes towards Scáthach. She parries his attack and slashes his chest then she's forced to dodge, David follows her but Cu blocks next attack. David jumps back, they rush at him together. Cu slashes him with his claws then Scáthach slashes him with her spear, attack after attack, turn by turn they fight together and pushes David to defense, cross guard, every attack lands, he gets even more pissed and pushes them back with his energy.

- You... Are like flies... Keeps flying around... You hit them... But you keep missing... You are... So annoying... IT PISSES ME OFF! DIE ALREADY!

David creates two Spirit swords and rushes at them. They clashes, it's even more difficult now, they have no chance to counter attack but block turn by turn. Cu blocks two of his swords, Scáthach jumps back and charges her Gae Bólg, David tries to kick Cu in the balls, he drops the rune and teleports to the back, meanwhile Scáthach used it as opportunity to attack with her Noble Phantasm.

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