Chapter Four: Ann

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The limo was set to pick us up at my house at 5 pm. My homie Kristal was almost finished with my hair, my nails were finished and my makeup was on point. I had a knee high Lantern Sleeve Sequin Gold Dress, two small slits on each side, v-cut in the front and the back is completely out, black clutch and black shoes. My make-up was a perfect match smoke and gold. Amy dress was an all black Ariana formal sequin sweetheart dress, it was long, drop off sleeves, v-cut front and v-cut back, slit straight up her front right leg, up to her mid thigh, gold shoes, long gold earrings, gold clutch and her make up was gold and black smoked also. Amy came to my house to finish everything and to get dressed. Her hair was pinned straight to the back in a flower shaped bun. She was determined to catch Jamar's eyes. The tabloids said he was single and she felt this was her chance.

It was 5:10 pm the limo had been waiting for about 10 minutes. Walking out to the limo, I noticed Derrick standing with his back to me talking to Jamar. I was not expecting Derrick or Jamar to come with the limo. Derrick looked at me and said, "hi, you look amazing." "Thank you," I said. "There is no reason to thank me, I should be thanking you, you gave me the opportunity to be accompanied by such beauty," he said. He kissed my hand, hugged me tightly and walked me to the door of the limo. Derrick was dressed in an all black tuxedo with a white shirt, black shoes and a black bow tie. Standing tall with his smooth mocha skin, looking good enough to walk over there and lick him up like a melting chocolate ice cream. A 2020 Benz limo, fully loaded, all black! I felt famous, important and like tonight was going to be a great night.

Jamar walked to Amy, he said a few words and walked her to the other side of the limo, helped her in and got in the limo himself. We were off, on our way to the event. Derrick poured me a drink and Jamar poured Amy a drink as we talked to each other about our jobs, our likes and dislikes and other parts of our lives.

Derrick: I'm happy I came to pick you up, you look so beautiful.
Ann: Thanks you clean up well, yourself.
Derrick: I think you will really enjoy yourself tonight.
Ann: I'm honored that you invited us to come.
Derrick: It's my pleasure, Lovely! I'm excited that I am able to spend some time with you, I want to get to know you. I want to take you out on some dates, have lunch, go bowling, skating, or even go for a cup of coffee or tea some day.
Ann: I think that could be arranged.

Derrick smiled and kissed the back of my hand again. We arrived at Ford Field, we were let out at the V.I.P entrance. The limo driver came to the door and opened it, Derrick go out and reached for my hand to help me out. I gave Derrick my hand and got out, he slid his arm around my waist as we walked toward the door where there were several photographers taking pictures. Derrick and I posed for each photographer and smiled. One of the pictures he kissed me on the cheek. Next was the reporters, "Mr. Moore and Mr. Jones are these permanent women in your life or is this temporary, a temp thing," one of the reports asked Derrick and Jamar with a slick looking smile on his face. Derrick turned to the reporter and said, "You are really being rude to our dates." He kissed me again and said, "meet Ann, she a therapist who works with autistic children and her coworker Amy who also work with autistic children," he went on to tell the reporters about our jobs and how what we do can be beneficial to the children we serve. He explained how important it is to start therapy at an early age and how high caseloads are for social workers. Jamar told the reporter that he's offering $1000.00 bonus to anyone that apply for a therapist position at ACA and stay employed for at least 6 months and they will get another $1500.00 bonus when they hit the one year mark. I looked at Derrick and he kissed me on my lips this time and said, " we cleared everything with ACA last week." I was amazed at what I was hearing, to men advocating for the children I support, standing up for social workers around the world.

We walked into the stadium, the decoration was outstanding. There were so many people. "What's good Derrick, how is my nephew Wayne?" One football player asked Derrick. "He's doing good, him and Wanda should be here really soon." Derrick said back to the giant man. We walked through the event and he introduced me to everyone as his girlfriend, I met Shamar Moore, 50 cent, Snoop Dog, Kevin Hart, Viola Davis, Jodie Foster, Will Smith, Jada Pickett-Smith, and Ellen DeGeneres among so many other famous people. Everybody knew Derrick, he was famous and claiming me as his girlfriend.

Wanda came and spoke about how therapy has helped Wayne, she talked about some of the struggles she faced and how therapy has helped her. Wanda introduced me as Wayne's newest therapist and asked if I could come to the stage to say a few words. On my way to the stage she told everybody that I have been working with Wayne since January, for 3 months now and Wayne has made tremendous progress.

I walked on the stage and begin to speak, "Good evening Ladies and Gentleman, my name is Ann Meyers and I'm employed by ACA. I've been employed there for seven years. During my time at ACA we've had a very high employment turnover rate, our caseloads have been extremely high and we can't help others efficiently unless we are healthy ourselves. I ask that if you know any social workers who reside in the area and want a job, to please apply at ACA. We are in need of more therapist, information about pay, benefits and other opportunities are on our website. Thank you for coming to bring awareness to autism and enjoy yourself!" Everyone clapped and Derrick met me at the stage stairway. "Thanks for speaking." Derrick said. I looked him in his eyes and said, "Thank you, this is a one in a lifetime experience." I said to Derrick from the heart. "We can come to any event like this whenever you want to." He said as he put both arms around my waist and started to dance to the music playing. "Okay Mr. Derrick, I will definitely hold you to that." I said and we both started laughing.

Dinner was delicious, the night was still young but the event was over. I had the most fun with Derrick and everyone else there. I felt at home, when Wayne seen me he was happy, he squilled my name in excitement. Wanda and Wayne spent a great deal of time talking to the player that asked about her when we arrived, Derrick said it was their quarterback Jeremy Fisher. Wanda seemed to be deeply engaged in conversation while Wayne played with Jeremy's cufflinks the sat at the table.

"I want to take you somewhere, if that's okay?" Derrick asked me. I nodded and he walked me to the limo, he helped me in. Amy left with Jamar about 20 minutes before we left. She said they were heading back to her place for drinks. Derrick whispered to the limo driver, he got in the limo, the driver closed the door and we started moving. He handed me a bag that read 'The stadium Collection-Ford Field'. "What is this?" I asked him. "Open it and see." He said. I looked in the bag and pulled out a Detroit Lions long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of grey jogging pants, some long socks and a pair of grey and blue air max. "Where did this come from and what is it for?" I asked. He pulled another bag from the floor and looked at me and said, "So we can get comfortable, I got me the same thing. I know you don't want to be in heels all night." I looked at him, "All night!" "Well, how ever long you let me keep you out." He said in a giggle.

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