Chapter Five: Derrick

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"She's giving me a chance, I don't want to fuck this up, I don't want to do too much." I thought to myself quietly. "You are a wonderful person, Ann!" I said. "How do you know I could be a serial killer, a mask murderer, some type of psycho person." She looked at him and laughed. He looked at her dead in her eyes and kissed her on her lip softly and whispered to her as their lips still touched, "No never, you're too beautiful, your heart's too big and you're the best at helping others, you're a wonderful person, Ann, I know better." She closed her eyes and kissed him back. She felt so good, she took her hands and put them on both sides of my face to deepen the kiss. We kissed until the limo stopped. We had been kissing for at least 30 minutes, I enjoyed every moment. I enjoyed being with Ann, I enjoyed her company.

The limo driver opened the limo door, I turned and kissed her lips again and said, "baby I'll be right back, it's cool out here when I get back I'll bring a jacket. I walked to the gate talked to Bill, handed him some money and walked back to the limo. I opened the door helped Ann out the limo and wrapped her in the Detroit Lions jacket I brought back to the limo for her. We walked past the gate and down the stairs to the yacht, I took the bag from Ann and helped her on the yacht. Bill yelled be careful and have a nice night. I started the yacht and backed out of the spot and pulled out into the lake. After about 30 minutes of driving, we could see the moon clearly, I cut the engine and took Ann to the bathroom where she could change clothes. I stepped outside the bathroom door in the bedroom and took my suit off. When Ann came out of the bathroom I was picking my shirt off the bed and dropped it. She stared at my chest and then apologized. "Ann, look at me, you don't have nothing to apologize about, it's okay." I walked over to her, she was cute in her long sleeve Lions t-shirt and her jogging pants. I got closer and she looked up into my eyes, I couldn't help myself, I kissed her, she melted my heart, I have never felt this way about anybody. I stepped back and picked the shirt up and put it on. Ann eyes never left me. I made us some drinks and we walked on deck with some blankets. Ann made a palette and we sat close, cuddled, listened to some soft music, watched the moon and talked. We talked about so much, Ann dozed off first and I did shortly after she did. She cuddled up even closer and moaned when I wrapped my arms around her to pull her closer.

The sun was rising and it had gotten a bit colder. I wrapped Ann in one of the blankets and took her to the bedroom and laid her in the bed. I turned the heat up a little bit, laid down beside her and just looked at her as a wiped a small piece of hair from her face. I kissed her forehead and went to the kitchen to start on breakfast. "Good morning," a tiny voice spoke from behind me. I turned to see Ann's beautiful face, I walked over to kiss her but she turned her head. "What's wrong?" I said. "Nothing, I need to brush my teeth." She said shyly. "But I don't care," kissing her on the forehead, then her cheek and her neck and then the back of her hand. "There are packs of toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinet, some clean towels are in the tall cabinet and breakfast will be done real soon." She put her hands together and smiled at Derrick, she turned to head toward the bathroom.

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