Chapter Nine: Derrick

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This woman has me wrapped tightly around her pinky finger, I love her, I adore her, I want to be with her 24/7, she means the world to me. I brought a few outfits over to her condo, because I've been here more than I've been anywhere else. "Baby, what about this shirt and tie?" I asked Ann. I asked because I knew she would come over here and I can put my hand on her soft skin. She was looking good over there in her bright red thongs and matching bra. I wanted to say fuck the party at Wanda's and we can have our own party. "Derrick Baby, put the solid blue tie on with the striped blue shirt, wear your black pants and your black shoes, everything is laid out for you on the bed, hurry so we are not too late." She yelled but then turned to walk out of the closet and she walked directly into my chest. She was still half necked, now she added some glitter body spray that turned me all the way on. "Baby, do you realize how horny you are making me right now?" I pointed to my erection. "Can we stay here and take care of us first?" I asked. "Can we look at the results before we leave at least, I can't wait any longer, we might not make it back home, I might have to take it on the side of the road somewhere between here and Wanda's." I told her as I put my belt on. She walked past me and into the living room with a red dress and some red heels, fire red lipstick, make-up popping, hair up in a bun. She came back into the room with two open envelopes, "we are both clean." And she shoved both papers to my chest. The papers hit the floor and I walked over to her, she was putting her earrings on standing in the mirror. I slid her dress right above her ass and smacked it lightly, "we gone be late tonight, I need you right now." "Derrick you didn't read the paperwork." She was breathing so hard. "Fuck the paperwork" as I slid her thongs over to one side. I slid my length inside her, she was wet and hot. She felt so good. I've been waiting, I took my time and enjoyed every stroke, in and out. Deep and shallow, we both moaned as we climaxed together. It was magic, I love this woman! "Ann, I love you!" "Derrick, I love you too!" I pulled out flipped her on her stomach and slid back in. I craved Ann, I had to have her, I needed her.

After we washed up and got dressed, we left and arrived at my sisters event an hour and fifteen minutes late. It was well worth it, if I had to do it over I would do it the same way again. Ann said she was nervous to meet my family for the first time but I assured her that she had nothing to be nervous about. We walked in and everybody turned and came over to us to talk and introduce themselves to Ann. We were both in a better mood since we were able to get some of the sexual frustration out of the way. She better be careful, those looks she keeps giving me across the room is about to have us in the bathroom blessing my sister's sink. I looked over there at her again, she gave me that look. I walked over to her, "Ann can I speak to you please, in private." She looked surprised, we went to the basement and I pulled her into the bathroom. "Why were you giving me that look, like you needed to feel me inside of you again." She looked him in his eyes, unbuckled his pants, pulled his boxers down and pushed him to sit on the toilet, she lifted her dress and straddled him, inserting him as she came down. "Fuck Ann, are you serious baby?" I asked her. "Does it feel like I'm serious, my pussy is dripping because I need you in me." She whispered and she rode my hard erection. We look eye to eye as she rode me, I met each grind, we both arrived at our climax together, she moaned in my mouth and I grabbed both her ass cheeks a moaned back in her mouth. She reach on the counter for her clutch and pulled out a pack of cottonelle wipes as she slid up off my still hard erection. I wiped myself and looked down and then at her, "baby, I'm not done with you, when we get back to the condo, I'm making love to you all night." She kissed him before walking out of the bathroom and said, "what are you doing to me Derrick?"

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