Chapter Twelve: Derrick

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Derrick was woken by a knock at the door, more like a beat on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. A muffled voice on the other side said something but I could not understand so I opened the door. "Who?", I asked again. "It's Anthony, you bitch ass nigga open the mutherfucking door, so I can beat yo ass." Anthony yelled through the cracked door. I opened the door and looked down at Anthony who stood about 6' even. "Okay, Anthony, Ann is sleeping, she had a really rough couple of days. We can talk about this like adults or I can have my security guards to haul your annoying ass away." I said to Anthony with authority. "Naw, fuck that wake her ass up, she about to put your ass out," Anthony said to me. Ann came out of the bedroom, "what's all the no..." her eye bucked open wide when she lay eyes on Anthony. "What, What Ann, tell this nigga he gotta go, Daddy's home, Daddy's home and he will be here for a few days," Anthony protested. Ann laughed, she walked up to me and said, "Thanks Derrick for all you have done, but I need to handle this myself." She got up on her tiptoes and kiss me on my lips and then turned to Anthony and said, "first off, Derrick is not leaving, he's not going anywhere, he's my man and I'm his woman, he's my best friend and I'm his, he cares about me and I care about him, we have something that me and you never had, so you need to leave." "But baby, I flew all the way from Tennessee so we can spend some time together." Anthony said to Ann. "Anthony, Derrick and I will plan a lifetime together, a future, we can have a real relationship, I want you to leave now." Ann advised Anthony. "I can't believe you're turning your back on me again." Anthony yelled at Ann. "Anthony, you've always turned your back on me, it is time that I start thinking about me and what makes me happy and it's time for you to leave." Ann yelled back at Anthony as I pulled her close to me.

Anthony left and mumbled some stuff along with a bunch of curse words. Ann looked up at me as I held her in my arms. I looked down at her, "so how much of that did you mean?" I asked. "As long as you are game, 100% of it," She said. "I think we should move in together. We should both start a fresh life in a new home. What do you think?" Ann looked at me and said, "That's the best idea I've heard all day."

Anthony came by the condo everyday for 2 weeks, yelling and screaming about how much he put into their friendship, how much he cared about Ann and how she is wrong for what she is doing to him. Ann refuse to entertain Anthony.

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