Chapter Ten: Ann

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This man was everything a woman needed and wanted. He was strong, smart, good looking, caring, respectful, considerate, a real man and did I mention good looking. I really love him and I can feel that he loves me. And he's all mine. I've never felt this way about anybody, I've never felt confident about any relationship I was in. I had a best friend and a man that claimed me in other places beside the bedroom. Don't get me wrong, he claimed me there and it was beyond magnificent, he was heavenly. He brought things out of me that I never knew I had.

On the ride back to the condo was quiet. I thought about us, I thought about my relationship with Anthony and my past relationship with Michael. Derrick did all the right things, but shit happens like that at the beginning of all relationships. "Are you ready to go back to work on Monday," I asked Derrick starting a conversation. He looked up from his tablet, put it down, put his arms around me and kissed me on the bridge of my nose and my lips. "No Beautiful, I don't want to fly to Cali, I want to be here with you," He sadly said. He looked at me and asked "Ann, do you love me." I said, " Yes Derrick, why do you ask." "I want us to try something, keep in mind that you have full control over everything," he said with wide eyes. "What are you talking about?" I asked looking and feeling confused. "I want us to install cameras in the spare bedroom at the condo, we can make videos that only we can watch. You can turn the cameras on when you want and if you want you can turn them off. What do you think?" He asked me. "I don't know, I've never done anything like this before in my life. What if the videos get leaked, what about my career, what about my family, my children, what will they think of me." I said in a pantic without taking a breath. "Baby calm down, think about it, it's no rush, I just want us to be connected when I travel, I want us to be close even if we are far away." He said before kissing me on my lips. For some reason thinking about a video watching us making love turned me all the way on. I deepened the kiss. This man had me feeling all good inside and out.

We arrived at the condo, Derrick opened the door and shit was everywhere. Pictures were torn off the wall, there were big holes in the walls, my glass table was broken and glass was everywhere. The flowers that Derrick bought me were destroyed. In the bedroom my drawers were flipped and clothes were all over the room. Derrick pulled me back out of the house and called his security guard. Josh came in with his gun raised and searched the condo for intruder. "Who could have done this, why and what were they looking for?" I said out loud. Derrick was on the phone with 911 explaining the event we walked into.

The police said that whoever did this must have had a key, there was no forced entry. I thought to myself, my children would never do anything like this both of them are out of state in school. The only other person who had a key to my condo was Anthony. But why? "Babe, who could have done this." Derrick asked with concern. I started to cry. "Babe it will be okay, talk to me, you promised you would never shut me out, please talk to me." Derrick begged. "I believe it was Anthony, the guy I dat..., whatever, the guy I was involved with in Tennessee. The trip I was coming from when I met you." I told Derrick nervously. I've never told him about Anthony, he never forced me to talk to him about it so I never talked about it. "Derrick, we need to talk." I cried as he held my face close to his heart. "Okay, Josh has some buddies who will clean this all up and we can go get a hotel room for the night and talk." He gently said and kissed me on the lips.

Derrick took me to the hotel and checked in. He left to go get a few things, a job the Josh would have normally done. When he returned he had a few outfits for the both of us, some snacks including my favorite Dorito Sweet & Spicy chips, 3 bottles of wine, some bottled water, candles, body wash for us both and some of the hair product I use. I stood in the window looking out at the surrounding city of Ann Arbor. Watching the bright light, passing cars and life just pass by. I felt his presents behind me. "Babe, don't worry about it, I hired an investigator and we are going to find out what's going on." He said looking concerned. He turned me all the way facing him and demanded, "get in the tub and soak, I want you to relax, I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me." I walked over to the huge jacuzzi tub and turned the hot water on, added some bubbles, adjusted the water temperature and waited for it to fill. After we soaked and the water started to get cold, we got out, Derrick wrapped me in a huge white towel and picked me up. He carried me to the bed where another dry towel laid. Derrick dried my body and started applying lotion before I asked, "Why are you doing this?" He looked at me still putting lotion on my body and said, "I told you I want to take care of you, and I mean just that." This was really turning me on, he had no clothes on and neither did I. I reach for his face and pulled him in close, so that our lips would touch and we started to kiss. We made love, we stopped and talked and made love, then stopped and talked more, then made love again. By morning I had told Derrick everything about Anthony and Michael. I felt free, the weight on my chest was gone. Derrick told me that he will take care of this and I trusted he would. I fell asleep cradled in Derrick's arms. He held me tight, I felt every beat of his heart, I felt protected.

Derrick left the next morning to get us breakfast, I wanted to do something different so I position my phone to record a video. I laid back on the bed and recorded myself mastabating, feeling my breast, squeezing my nipples, fingering myself and rubbing my pearl until I hit my climax. I sent the video to Derrick. About 20 minutes later, Derrick rushed through the door and through the bag of food on the table, at the same time pulling his clothes off. When he made it to the bed he had nothing on but his sock. His erection was long a hard. "See what that did to me," he said out of breathe. I rolled over and said, "see what I'm about to do." I put his whole length in my mouth. "What the fuck, babe! Shit!" He cried. I moist his complete length with my mouth and had Derrick shaking. I turned over on my back and let Derrick grind in my mouth and down my throat. Derrick bent over spreader my legs wide and licked every inch of my hotspot. Derrick came in my mouth and I came in his.

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