Chapter One: Ann

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I was a small time girl from Detroit, Michigan. A social worker, I loved the type of work I did but hated my current job. I had many hopeless relationships in the past and at this time I was dating someone that I'd known since we were children. We lived many, many miles away but when I got the chance I take trips to go see him. His name is Anthony, a bit business and a bit thug, 6 feet even, nice trimmed beard, hard abs, strong legs, and a tongue that drove me wild. He could be a married man for all I knew, but I didn't care because he pleases me when I needs to be pleased. He would send me money, $100 here, a hundred dollars there, a thousand dollars here, $1000 there but for whatever reason he wasn't leaving Memphis, Tennessee to be with me and I wasn't leaving Detroit, Michigan to be with him. At this time we were content with our relationship/arrangement, at least I felt this way at the beginning. The sex was amazing he treated me exactly how I need to be treated in bed. And I did the same for him.

"Merry Christmas", I told everybody on Christmas morning as I packed my clothes. My two children were there to visit me before going to their fathers for the Christmas holiday. I was flying out to Memphis for vacation, a gift from Anthony. He never had a problem getting me an airplane ticket, setting me up in a beautiful hotel and getting me a rental car to cruise the town. I never stayed at his house with him, I never asked him why, I never even really cared. When I came to Memphis to visit, he would spend a day or two and a few nights with me but the rest of the time I was solo dolo. We never did anything else but have sex, we texted from time to time and talked on the phone every blue moon. We had enough sex to last me for three or four months then I would plan another trip back to Memphis. My last night there as usual, he came to the hotel, came in and told me all the same stuff that he always did on our last night together before I went back to Detroit. "Baby, you know I love you so much,'' while he kissed me and rubbed my fat big booty as he called it. "I wish we can be together everyday and every night", "I wish this would never end", and I thought to myself, why can't we be together, why does this have to end. But I didn't say nothing, as usual. I kept quiet and let him kiss every part of my body and he slowly remove every stitch of clothing I was wearing. Anthony licked, kissed and tasted my pearl and magic happened as I exploded with ecstasy. I grabbed his bald head and pulled him closer as I grinned with the motion of his lips and tongue. "Damn baby you taste delicious, so sweet," Anthony said before he wipe his super wet mouth and kissed me on the stomach and then both my breast. It excited Anthony more when I called him Daddy. "I love the way you eat my pussy, Daddy, you got me feeling real good, get your ass up here and lay on your back." Anthony did just that, he grabbed a condom and opened it up, I took it from him and positioned it over the head of his dick before rolling it down, he watched my every move, me sliding the condom down his long shaft. "Baby, I wanna feel you, I promise I'll pull out,'' Anthony said. I did not respond, I straddled Anthony and put him inside me, deep inside me, I rode him like I would have rode a horse, rough, hard and until we both came in harmony.

I laid there in the dark with the moon light shining across his sleeping face. I was thinking to myself, "why am I doing this, what am I getting out of this, why do I keep putting myself through this hurt?" I didn't want to lose my best friend but I didn't want to be in a meaningless relationship, I wanted to be in a relationship where he will love me and I will love him, we would spin days and nights together and will be together forever not just sleep together forever. I wanted a marriage, I wanted a happy home, I wanted to be with someone who wanted to be with me. I wasn't getting that out of this relationship, it wasn't going to happen. No matter how hard I thought it would or how hard I imagined that things will get better, they never did, they always remain the same. It felt like I was the side chick. The side chick to something, whether it was a wife, a girlfriend or a different type of relationship. I don't know and I really didn't care to ask, I just wanted out. I wanted my friend back and I wanted a real relationship. Dates, late night movies, cuddling, a real healthy relationship.

I woke up the next morning, he was gone as usual. I drove the rental car back to the airport and got on my flight back home to Detroit, Michigan. I looked out the window at the thick white clouds, thinking to myself, this might be the last trip to Memphis for a while. I really need to get myself together, I need to get my life right and the only way I can do that is for me to leave this relationship alone, leave Memphis alone. The plane landed in Detroit, Michigan, I exited the plane and headed straight get my luggage. My phone sounded letting me know that I had received a text message from Anthony. As I stroll across the airport looking in my purse for my phone somebody bumped into me. I looked up to see several big men walking next to a young guy talking on the phone. He looked familiar, I just couldn't remember where I knew him from, he apologized to me for bumping me and he kept on walking through the airport talking loudly on his phone. I looked down at my phone and as always it was a message from Anthony, "I hope you enjoyed yourself because I enjoyed being with you, I love you, I'll text you later and I miss you already." This time I put the phone back in my purse took a deep breath and looked up at this man staring directly at me. He came over, "Are you okay?" "I'm sorry, my name is Derrick, my boss bumped into you, are you okay, do you need anything?" I shook my head and said, "Thank you Derrick, I'll be fine, I need to get my luggage and get some fresh air." Derrick was tall about 6' 2", a mocha skin complexion, had the most amazing dimples, beautiful brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Derrick helped me with my luggage and walked me outside the airport at the pick-up location. My phone rang again this time it was my son calling me. "Hello," I said into the phone. "Okay, I'll find a way, don't worry, I love you too and give my grand baby kisses for me," I hung the phone up. My son Norman was supposed to pick me up from the airport but he was stuck in a meeting in Detroit and could not leave. I took a few more deep breaths put my phone back in my purse and Derrick said, "if you need a ride home or wherever you are going I will take you or I can have my driver take you." I looked at Derrick and said, "Mr. Derrick thanks for your help, you have been very kind but I'll be fine." I picked my bags up and walked back into the airport to sit down so I could contact a cab or lyft to take me home. I wasn't feeling well, Derrick was right about that, but I knew it was time to let Anthony go as a lover. I had to chance our friendship, there was no other way.

I came home ate me some dinner and watched a few episodes of The One Hundred. My phone had been going off every hour it seemed like. It was Anthony, I walked in the kitchen to read the text messages, "Why haven't you text me back," "did I do something wrong," "are you okay," "???," "are you mad at me," "Ann please text me back to let me know that you are okay, I'm worried."

Ann: I'm fine!
Anthony: Why didn't you answer my text?
Ann: I was busy
Anthony: Busy with what
Ann: Does it matter
Anthony: I'm about to call you
Ann: No, I'll talk with you later, I'm about to go to bed I have work tomorrow.
Ann: Goodnight, Anthony

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