Chapter Seven: Derrick

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Ann was drunk, she was beyond tipsy. I helped her to the couch and sat down beside her. "Why you, you, you sit so far ovvvvver there, get close, closer, you scared to be closer, Derrick are you afraid of what I might do to you." Ann said. "Ann, baby, I'm not afraid of anything, I want us to both be sober when we do this for the first time." I said. "Oh, so you do want to fuck me, that's why you here cause you want this pussy, then you gone be leaving me, just like the rest of them, what you want me to suck your dick and call you Daddy. Yeah, Derrick like to be called Daddy, Derrick want to fuck me and smack my fat ass." She said and then laughed as she fell over on her side and before you knew it she was out, sleeping and snoring. I picked her up and put her in her bed, covered her up and kissed her on the forehead, "goodnight, Ann." I grab the spare blankets off the bottom of her bed and walked into the living room, laid the cover where I was going to lay and laid back on the large black sectional couch. I took my shirt and shoes off and pulled the covers up to my mid chest.

Laying there in the dark thinking, "what happened to Ann, why did she say those things?" "I wanted her but not like that, if she was sober we would of made love right here on this couch and I would have held her until she woke the next morning." "I'm really falling for her, I love her, I see myself being with her in the future. I want to help her get over this hump." "Ann, baby I love you, I'm here for you, 100% here for you, I promise you that," he whispered into the darkness and then he dozed off to sleep. The sun came piercing through the blinds, Derrick woke and went out to his car for the change of clothes his bodyguard/security guard/friend Josh, put in there for him. He went into Ann's second bathroom and turned the shower on and got in. Music play from his phone, Derrick singing along, "Cause I only wanna make you hap..." The door opened and then the shower curtains immediately after.

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