Love pt2 - mileven

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(After mileven fell asleep in each other's  arms)

Hoppers POV:
I opened my eyes and groaned because I slept on the wrong side of the sofa and I have a massive headache/backache from sleeping on my lay-z-boy. How could I be so stupid to fall asleep. I have work in an hour so I guess I should get ready.

(Time skip to after he's ready bc I'm lazy)

I made some eggos for Eleven and I so I think she should be awake by now. "KIDDO, ARE YOU WAKE?" I shout as I walk to my daughter's bedroom door.

I still can't believe that Eleven is my daughter. I love her so much, even though she probably spends more time with that son of a- never mind Mike. I've learned to like him and I know he cares about my daughter very much.

Eleven still didn't answer me so I'll shout louder "EL!! THE BREAKFAST" I knocked on her door, nothing. I put my hand on the door knob and and twisted it open.

"El?" I thought she was sick or something but nope, I did not expect this. Mike Wheeler in my daughter's bed. I think he spent the night. Clothes everywhere on the floor, blankets untucked, messy bed eh I don't think that's anything. (A/N: they did NOT do it!! Dirty minded children 🤡)

I smiled to myself thinking that Mike came all the way from his house to our cabin in the woods to look after El when she has a nightmare. El was smiling lightly while sleeping and her messy curls were tucked behind her ear, Mike laying beside her, hugging her with his arms around her waist, as to protect her from any bad nightmare.

They were snoring softly with their red cheeks and even I was smiling back.
They were nothing but two teenagers in love, sleeping together. (Not in the dirty way. You nasty 🤡)

I walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind me. I stood there staring at the kitchen, not before giving a big loud, strong cough that certainly scared the two lovers asleep on the bed.

Mike's POV:
I woke up suddenly from a really loud cough. I jumped and so did El. I looked at her and smiled, she smiled back to me. "Good morning love" I whispered to my lover "good morning Mike" she said softly to me. We were staring at each other for a while until we hear Hopper talk.

"You're safe this time, Wheeler..." I looked up from the bed and saw Hopper standing in the doorway. He continued his sentence and said a bit more loudly "...but get out of my daughter's bed before I hand-cuff you"

I jumped out the bed and watched Hop close the door, It was opened 3 inches which is fine.

El looked over at me and said "why are you leaving?" I smiled and said I'm not leaving yet my love" El jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss.

We walked over to the kitchen hand in hand and ate breakfast with Hop.

I hoped you liked this chapter. This is the last part of "love"
Make sure you comment your requests. Love you guys 💗

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