Fillie imagine

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A/N: idk what to call this imagine so If u guys have a good name, pleaseeee comment it.

(Millie's POV)
I was having a really bad day. My friends didn't seem to care about me, i dropped my lunch in front of my friends, who laughed at me. And worst of all, I came home to my parents screaming at each other which lead to them screaming at me. In the end, i just want to cry and hide under a rock.

I ended up FaceTiming my crush and best friend, Finn. When he answered I couldn't help it. I broke down crying. I told him everything that happened while i could still hear my parents yelling downstairs. I was sobbing into my pillow mumbling words nobody could understand. When all of sudden Finn spoke up.

"Hey hey hey Mills everything is going to be okay. I'm coming over. "

I looked up and told Finn that it's probably not a good idea. But he said he'll sneak through the window. And before I had time to say no, he hung up.

I continued crying when Finn came in with a bottle of water and pizza. When he saw me and he put the pizza and water on my nightstand and gave me a long hug. While hugging me he whispered into my ear "everything is going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." He let go of the hug as he looked deep into my puffy red eyes and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Look, It hurts me to see you like this. It must suck" Finn said. I leaned into him and continue to cry, leaving tear stains on his shirt. "I just want you to know I'm going to be by your side for everything. I was just hoping I wasn't going to be there as a friend..."

I looked up, confused. When all of a sudden he looked deep into my eyes and leaned in. I could feel the sparks flying as my lips met his, and we begin to kiss. It was long and passionate. My lips moved in sync with his and i could tell we were in love.

We both pulled back and Finn said "I want to stand by you like that"

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