Je t'aime - fillie

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(Millie's POV)

"Bonjour"  (hello/good morning)

"Bonjour Professeur! " I greeted my French teacher, smiling (hello/good morning, professor)

I sat down in the middle of the class and got my textbook and pencil case out. There were some people in the class already, but I don't know them so I had nothing to do.

My teacher came up to me and said "comment allez-vous?" (How are you?) "Je vais bien" (I'm well/fine)

"Très bien!" (very good!)

More people started to come in. Best friend Val came into the room and took a seat next to me. "Coucou mills" "coucou Val" (hi/hey) Val has been my best friend since forever. She's French and we met going to an Ariana Grande concert. Finn walked into the room and took his seat which is next to me on the right (Val sits on the left) Soon enough the class begins.

My teacher passes out some worksheets to the class and explains what we have to do. I briefly look at the sheet sighing in relief. Thankfully French is easy for me so It didn't take me long to finish it. Standing up, I walked over to the teacher and gave him my worksheet.

"You're done already, Mills?" Finn asks, looking up from the sheet.

"Yeah, you need some help?" I gave him a small smile, sitting down next to him.

"No it's fine....actually yeah" he said.

"Sur quoi avez-vous besoin d'aide?" (what do you need help on?)

"I don't remember how to say this in French"

"A demain" (see you tomorrow)

"Merci!" (Thanks/thank you)

Finn stands up and walks over to the teachers desk and gave him the sheet. While he was talking to our teacher Val looks at me and winks because she knows how much I like Finn.

"Since you and Millie are the first ones finished, you guys can go into the hallway and work on some words and phrases" My teacher said while giving Finn the worksheet.

Finn looked at me then the worksheet then me then the worksheet then me and winked/kind of blushed.


I got up from my seat and followed Finn out into the hallway. Before I got out the door I looked at Val and she was so close to squealing, I rolled my eyes at her and closed the door behind me.

Finn and I sat on the floor and I read the words in my head and blushed a light pink. Geez why did my teacher had to be so romantic.

"Okay let's start" I said

"Wait wait wait...why don't you say the words and phrases and I'll repeat them after you?" Finn said kind of awkwardly.


"Okay first one...Je t'aime" wow this is..something. (i love you)

"Je t'aime"

I blushed reading the next one. "Mon amour" (my love)

We continue reading the rest of the words and phrases.

"Je t'adore" (i adore you)

"Embrasse-moi" (kiss me)

"Veux-tu m'épouses?" (Will you marry me?)

"Je t'aime aussi" (i love you too)

"Well we finished I guess we can head back to class" I said while standing up.

Finn nodded and followed quickly behind me.

(After school)

I was waiting for Val to get out from school because she promised she'd walk me home.

5 mins later I got a text from Val:

Val 💞: soooo sorry mills... I got detention in English so I don't think I can walk you home 🥺

Mills 👑: it's fine Val I can walk home alone 😘

Val 💞: your not walking alone, I asked Finn to walk with you


Val 💞: sorry and btw he lives one block away from u 😚

Mills 👑: fine when will he get here?

Val 💞: he should be there any minute now.

Mills 👑: okay I think I see him

Val 💞: okay I gotta go now, loveeee ya 😘

Mills 👑: love u too 😘

(End of convo)

Oh geez what have I got myself into...

"I'm so sorry I'm late I couldn't get my locker open" Finn said while running to me.

"It's fine" I said really awkwardly

We started to walk to my house. It was a really nice cold winter day, later in the week it's supposed to snow which I'm very excited about.

Finally we were at my house. "Thanks Finn for walking me home" I thanked Finn "no problem" I turned around to walk into my house but before I could enter I felt Finn's hands on my waist turning me around. Finn looked into my brown eyes and gave me a kiss.

I felt so happy.

We broke the kiss and I looked into his beautiful deep brown eyes, gosh he is beautiful.

"Je t'aime, Millie" I was so happy and I think I almost melted in his arms. Finn said I love you to ME!


"Je t'aime aussi" he leaned in again and kissed me with more passion.


We both jumped apart and looked annoyed because our moment is ruined.

"SADIE WHAT DID I SAY? NO SNEAKING INTO MY HOUSE AND SPYING ON ME!" Geez that girl sometimes, not to mention she's my sister!!!


"What?" Finn answers annoyed because Sadie ruined our moment.


Me and Finn looked at each other with a embarrassed face because everything was filmed.

"À demain" i said to Finn happily (see you tomorrow)

"À demain" and with that Finn gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.


Geez I've got a crazy sister.

(At night)

I jumped into bed tired and ready for the next day. I was thinking about the kiss me and Finn had. I was so happy about it. I'm really falling for Finn.


I checked my phone and I saw a text from the one and only FINN WOLFHARD.

Finnie 💞: Bonne nuit mon amour ❤️
(Goodnight my love)

Mills 🥰: je t'aime ❤️

Finnie 💞: je t'aime 😘

I switched off my phone and fell asleep a happy girl.

This was such a long imagine...but I hope y'all liked it🥰

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