Chapter 3: Reunited

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Strolling around the streets of Paris, Chloe took in the sights. She went on tours, traveled all around, trying to keep her spirits up. It was pointless though.

She couldn't seem to enjoy herself or the beautiful architecture. It was like a fog had permanently taken place above her; she couldn't see where she was going, and it wasn't letting up anytime soon. She felt stuck.

The past few months have been brutal, to say the least. With things falling apart with Chicago just two months ago and her dropping out of vet school a month after that, she became lost and spiraled down into a hole. Add to the fact that she had to move back in with her parents because she couldn't afford to live on her own.

Of course, all of her friends had tried to be supportive and be there for her. Aubrey had even flown into town for a weekend or two every now and then, acting as a shoulder for her to cry on during this difficult time, yet Chloe wouldn't have any of it. She rejected the Bella's invitations to go out to dinner or to get some coffee before work. And soon enough, they stopped asking all together.

The one person she needed. The one person she wanted had disappeared from her life two years ago.

Chloe isolated herself. This became apparent to her family, and they insisted that she travel and take in new sights so she could try to refocus and regroup. That's why she was here, in Paris. What compelled her to come here, she'd never know. It was like everything in her heart and gut had been telling her that Paris was the place she needed to be. There wasn't a single doubt in her mind.

So, here she was in a beautiful city ... All alone.

She had no one. And the regret of not accepting her two older brothers' offer to come with her weighed her down. It also didn't help to see families and couples laughing and smiling, as if they were a constant reminder of what she would never have again.

In an attempt to avoid as much human contact as possible, Chloe ducked inside a small bakery that had caught her eye. The enticing smell of freshly baked bread and pastries was calling her name, and she just couldn't refuse.

Chloe waited in a short line, distracting herself by reading the list of items on the chalkboard above the counter. They were many options to choose from, eventually deciding on a lemon tart. She moved forward in the queue, eventually coming to the front and, luckily, the cashier behind the counter spoke some English, which made ordering her pastry a bit easier.

Thanking the cashier, Chloe moseyed over to a small table situated outside the bakery and took a seat. She dug into her treat, moaning as the sweet pastry danced on her taste buds. She felt compelled to get another one, fighting an inner battle with herself. She walked away from the bakery, and its all too enticing sweets, only to wander the streets with no particular destination in mind.


It was nearing mid-afternoon by the time Chloe reached the famous steps in Montmartre. She didn't have a clue as to how she'd arrived here, or why. Then again, her feet did most of the heavy lifting while her brain was off in another world, not paying much attention.

Curving around a bend, she began to climb the cobblestone steps of Montmartre. Her sunglasses concealed her eyes from others, giving her a sense of privacy and security. She reached the twelfth step up when she suddenly stopped, her eye catching on something - actually, someone.

No. It couldn't be.

Chloe slowly took off her sunglasses to give herself a better view, and sure enough, it was her - the woman who had disappeared from her life two years ago. She watched as the other woman stood there on the opposite side of the steps, her once gloomy demeanor turning into something more confused and unbelieving.

Both were rooted to the ground beneath their feet, studying one another to try and see if this wasn't some cruel prank. Seconds passed before one of them spoke.



The two stared dumbly at each other, both gradually closing the distance and, before they knew it, they were standing face-to-face. Neither sure what to do, they gave timid smiles before embracing in an awkward hug over the metal railing of the stairs. As soon as they touched, a spark ignited and caused each of them to pull back in a flash. The pair let out identical nervous chuckles, eyes cast practically everywhere but each other.

This couldn't be real.

Mustering up the courage, Chloe bit her lip before she broke the silence. "How-'s been, uh, what?"

"Two years."

"Two years," she repeated, not fully believing this was happening. "That's a long time."

Beca nodded, solemnly. "Yeah, it is. Very long time."

An uncomfortable quietness washed over them as they stood on the steps, both still in awe. After two long, lonely years, only to run into one another in Paris of all places. Was it fate? Destiny? The universe playing a cruel trick? Neither Beca nor Chloe could be sure. But, at the moment, neither seemed to care.

"You- you look good."

Chloe ducked her head down to her chest. "Thanks. You look good, too."

Small talk, really? Had it actually come down to that? Chloe had always thought that if she were to ever see Beca again, then it'd be like old times. She was wrong. This was awkward - super awkward.

"Listen. Chloe-"

"I've got to go," the redhead suddenly said, making eye contact with the petite woman.

God. Those eyes. Those blue eyes were exactly the same.

Beca let out a long sigh in understanding, not wanting to make things more awkward than they already were. "Okay. I- uh, it was great to see you..."

"Beca," Chloe hesitated. "Um, can we maybe do lunch one day? That is if you're not busy."

"No. Not busy at all."

She then proceeded to pull out a small pad of paper from her purse, ripping a piece out only to write the name of the hotel she was staying at, along with her cell number. "Here. Uh, call me, okay?"

Beca took the slip of paper with a hopeful glint in her blue eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I'd love to."

Chloe went in for another hug, making this one quick and retreating as soon as she pulled back. Beca observed her fleeting form as she climbed the stairs, Chloe's figure disappearing in the crowd of people.

"Did that just happen?" Beca asked herself allowed.

The weight of the torn paper in her hand told her yes. Yes, it did.

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