Chapter 13: Read em and weep

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A small bell rang as it sat perched above the door, signaling that someone had entered the small shop. The single ring captured the owner's attention away from the stack of books he had been cataloging and organizing, and focused it on the couple as they crossed the threshold.

Smiling wide at them, the older gentleman set the books down on a small table before he went over to greet them. "Welcome. Welcome, my friends," he said, bringing in the pair for a warm hug. "Miss Mitchell and Miss Beale, so good to see you in my shop."

Chloe smiled at the man. "Glad to be here, Anton."

"Come, come. I introduce you to my family."

With Anton leading the way, Beca and Chloe followed as they were guided through the crowded little shop. Large bookcases decorated the walls, completely filled with hundreds upon hundreds of novels. The entire shop had that rich, leather-bound scent to it.

They weaved their way through shelves and carts stacked with paperbacks and hardcovers, slowly making their way to the back end of the bookstore where a curtain concealed another room beyond. Once they passed through the curtain, they were immediately greeted with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries.

A woman stood with her back to them, not realizing they were there. Beca and Chloe glanced around, taking everything in. The shop had a small kitchen attached to the back, and as their eyes wandered they noticed a staircase on the right wall; it must've led up to an apartment above the store. A large wooden table rested in the center of the kitchen, two female occupants sat in two of the many chairs that surrounded the table, talking animatedly to one another.

It felt like a home here. It was cozy, warm and inviting, and filled with love.

Glancing over at Chloe, Beca grasped her hand and gave it a squeeze. She gained her attention and smiled brightly when their eyes met. Chloe winked at the brunette before Anton took her focus away.

"This is mon amour, Jacqueline."

Bringing Chloe then Beca in for hugs, Jacqueline pulled away only to kiss both of their cheeks. As soon as they broke apart they were then introduced to the two women at the table. The shorter of the two women was the wife of Anton and Jacqueline's eldest son, and the other woman was one of their daughters.

The family welcomed them, offering the couple seats at the table while Jacqueline fetched them each a cup of coffee. They were questioned about their time in Troyes, and if they had enjoyed the festival the previous night.

Chloe did most of the talking, while Beca merely sat and watched her. She was beautiful. Her face lit up, all smiles, when she spoke of the two of them dancing and just being together. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, unable to contain the grin from spreading on her lips.

God, Beca loved her so much.

Just as Chloe was about to tell everyone how she and Beca had run into each other on the steps of Montmartre, two small children came scampering in through the curtains, shrieking in French as they lunged themselves at Anton and Jacqueline. An exhausted man and woman gradually trailed after them. Beca and Chloe could only guess they were the children's parents.

The two small children were peppered with kisses by the older couple, giggles spilling out from them as they were tickled relentlessly.

Beca and Chloe met the tired parents of the hyper children, learning that the woman was the youngest child of Anton and Jacqueline. Her husband brought the two women in for big hugs before plopping down in a chair at the table, a deep sigh leaving his mouth. Then Beca and Chloe met the two kids, a boy and girl, who couldn't have been older than six and four.

Minutes passed and the entire kitchen was alive and bounding with activity. It wasn't very conventional, all the uproar, but it seemed to work for the family. And they admired that.

Before the couple could become too lost in all of the commotion, though, Anton was nudging them out back to the store. He shut the curtains behind him, directing the duo toward the center of the store.

"I am very happy you met my family," he told them with a smile.

"We are too. You have a beautiful family," Chloe said, taking his hand in hers briefly.

Beca piped in. "Thank you for introducing us to them, Anton."

Anton could only nod his head, his happiness pouring out of every pore in his body. "My pleasure. Now," he began, gesturing around him, "Let's get to the books..."


Time seemed to slip away. The sun had already begun to set, the moon rising to replace it in the sky. An orange glow peeked through the windows, streaks of light cascading about the shop and its occupants.

Bidding their thanks and good-byes, Beca and Chloe were bombarded by even more hugs and kisses on their cheeks by the entire family. Being wished good luck and safe travels, they walked hand-in-hand from the shop feeling more light-hearted and happy than they did since they first arrived to the bookstore.

For a small part of the afternoon, the two women were buried in the many piles of books the shop had to offer. It was magical, being surrounded by the wide variety of books. But what was even more magical was the family that welcomed them into their home. They'd spent most of their time with the rambunctious group, learning more about them and just spending some time with really great people.

Anton had an incredible family. And it was evident they all loved one another very much.

"Great family," Beca mused aloud, eyes fixed on the woman at her side as they strolled down the sidewalk. "Lots of hugging and very ... loud."

Chloe chuckled at that, nodding her head in agreement. "Seems to work for them though, all the noise and chaos. If they're happy, then that's all that matters."

The brunette hummed in reply, pulling her closer, with a tug on her hand, so she could capture her mouth with her own. Coming to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk, mouths still attached, they were drawn to each other like magnets. It wasn't until oxygen became a necessity that they broke apart.

"As much as I enjoyed all the chaos back there, what do you say we spend our last night in Troyes in the confines of our hotel room?" Beca asked. "Where, might I add, it'll be nice and quiet."

Lip finding its way between her teeth, Chloe had a small blush tint her cheeks as she ducked her head to her chest, her red hair concealing her face from Beca. When their eyes finally met, Chloe had a different air about her. Her eyes were darkening before Beca's own, and she could only hold her breath in anticipation as Chloe leaned in closer, her hot breath sending shivers along her skin.

Chloe's voice was low and sexy as she purred in the brunette's ear. "Who said I want it to be quiet? I want loud."

Not wasting anymore time, the all too eager couple sprinted all the way back to their hotel. If loud was what Chloe wanted, then loud was what Chloe was going to get.

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