Chapter 15: Death by chocolate

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With the curtains drawn closed and the lights all off, the small hotel room was basked in darkness. Yet, it wasn't all black. A small sliver of light peaked through the window, passing between a small opening in the curtains and allowing a tiny amount of the sun's rays to enter the shadowy domain.

That one stream of light cascaded upon the two occupants in the room, its glow lighting up their faces in a yellow warmth and softening their features. Sleeping away the afternoon, Beca and Chloe cuddled under the blankets and merely enjoyed the quietness of their solitude. The heat of their naked bodies combined with sheets wrapped around them made it boiling hot.

Wide awake and propped up against the headboard with a pillow supporting her back, Beca merely watched the rise and fall of Chloe's chest as she traveled through the land of dreams. Her hair cascaded in soft curls; framing her face and making her look angelic. Beca reached over, unable to help herself, and tangled a finger in one of the curls, smiling as she did so.

It still shocked her, even after everything they've been through over these past four days, that they were doing this. It felt like a dream, one she never wanted to wake up from.

Twirling the smooth strand between her fingers, a sigh spilled from Beca's lips as the smile that tugged on her lips never faltered. Beca, as carefully as possible, slid the sheets off Chloe's lower half, only to then pull the redhead into her lap. Beca wound her arms over Chloe's shoulders, bracing her against her chest with an arm circling her waist and the other over her upper back. Chloe's legs were curled up against her chest, causing her to shrink into Beca.

Slowly, Beca peppered kisses onto the crown of Chloe's head, her forehead, and anywhere else her lips could reach.

Moments passed by before Chloe buried her face into Beca's shoulder and took a deep breath. Beca looked down to find the most intoxicating pair of blue eyes staring back at her.

"Hi," her voice was throaty, low and God— so sexy.

"Hi back," Beca whispered, leaning down to press a single kiss to Chloe's lips. "I'm not sure about you, but I'm starving. You hungry?"

Just then, Chloe's stomach let out the loudest grumble and both women were wide-eyed in shock. Then the laughter settled in.

"I'll take that as a yes," Beca chuckled as Chloe sat there looking mortified. Beca shook her head, leaning down to peck her lips. "Wait right here, okay? I'm gonna get us some clothes."

Chloe pulled Beca in for another kiss. "Okay."

Beca removed herself from the bed and headed toward the abandoned suitcases by the front door, where she got a fresh pair of panties for herself and Chloe, along with a couple of t-shirts. Returning to the bedroom, she gave Chloe a smile as she handed her the clothes.

"Thank you," she grinned.

Beca winked in reply, getting herself dressed but she didn't get back into bed like Chloe had expected. Chloe, with her head titled to the side, patted the empty spot in the bed to make her point. Beca wasn't budging though.

"Why are you just standing there? Get over here."

Arms crossed, the brunette shook her head. She had the biggest smile on her face. "I've got an idea."


Tucked away in the makeshift fort they created out of pillows and sheets and a few chairs, Beca and Chloe laid on their backs inside and admired their handiwork, gazing up at the tented sheets above them and waiting for the room service to show up.

"This went much better than the last time we put up a tent," Beca sighed, nudging her shoulder against Chloe's. "Remember?"

"Oh my God. How could I forget? It took us, what? Like 5 hours to put that thing together, only to have it crushed by a humongous tree."

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