Chapter 10: Unwritten

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The words practically flew off the page.

It'd been so long- too long- since she'd been able to pound out this many words, her mind running a hundred miles an hour and unable to slow down in order for her hand to catch up.

Chloe was so inspiring, she couldn't help it.

A swift glance over to the woman in subject, Beca was unable to stop the huge grin from blossoming on her lips as she took Chloe in, in all of her naked beauty, surrounded in a sea of stark white sheets as she slept the afternoon away.

After their heart-to-heart in the bath, the couple journeyed back to the bedroom, where they proved their love for one another once again. The second time was different from the first; they weren't closed off, instead open like a book for the other to read to their heart's content. It was passionate, loving, and beautiful.

As she kept trailing her eyes over Chloe's soft curves, Beca came to a halt in her writing. There were many words to describe her, but those words lacked in comparison to her beauty, her heart, and her compassion. Although, a few adjectives did come rather close.

Breathtaking. Stunning. Extraordinary.


She was real. Of course, Beca already knew that.

After spending months, years trying to get over her, she realized she never wanted to. Didn't quite understand why she attempted to do so in the first place; the woman was captivating, gaining your attention with a mere glance. Thinking back, Beca didn't think there was a single moment she wasn't mesmerized by Chloe. And as much as she'd tried to move on and forget, she couldn't.

When she'd come to France, she never thought in a million years she would see Chloe again. Was it fate their paths crossed so unexpectedly? Was it destiny? Beca hadn't a clue, but she couldn't be more grateful it happened, though.

Chloe was like a fine wine. Once you've had a taste, there was no turning back. Beca was addicted, needing to taste, savor and love more and more.

Her pen glided over the crisp paper with ease, the swift up and down, side-to-side movements constructing words and, ultimately, verses, which then took in the form of a song, of new love. Things were beginning to become clear for the first time in ages.

Beca was in awe. She was writing again, actually writing. With her gears running full tilt, Beca let the words flow over her, feeling right at home.

A soft snore pulled her back to reality, Beca's gaze averting from her words toward the mess of a bed a few feet away. She chuckled lightly when she saw Chloe slowly reaching out, her hand searching, most likely for Beca, as she remained asleep.

The urge to join her was tempting, but then again so was writing, and she hadn't written a song like this in a long time.

Chloe let out a small whimper, and without a second's hesitation, Beca shut the moleskin notebook and placed her pen down, rising from her chair, only to set the notepad on the bedside.

Beca slipped out of her bathrobe and got into the bed, arms wrapping around Chloe in an instant. Maybe a small nap would be good, she thought. Yet, before she had the chance to think things over, her eyes were already shutting closed, the haziness of sleep spreading over and through her body. The fight was lost as soon as she'd climbed in.

Pressing a single kiss to Chloe's forehead, Beca fell into the blissfulness of sleep.

a/n - extremely short chapter sorry

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